We’ve gotten several emails tipping us to a rumor that a teaser trailer for the Iron Man 3 Super Bowl trailer will be released tomorrow (January 28). At this point, Marvel Studios hasn’t even officially confirmed that an Iron Man 3 trailer will air during the 2013 Super Bowl, but it has been confirmed that Disney bought Super Bowl commercial time.A teaser trailer is usually a very brief preview of an actual trailer. Assuming that part of Disney’s Super Bowl commercial time buy was for Iron Man 3, then the teaser will likely be about five to ten seconds of footage for the actual thirty second Iron Man 3 Super Bowl commercial. If Disney follows suit with what they did last year, it’s also likely there will be an extended Iron Man 3 Super Bowl trailer released online during the big game.We’re not quite sure where the Iron Man 3 teaser trailer rumor started, but it has spread all over Twitter and Tumblr. In addition to the teaser trailer, some tweets are also indicating that a new Iron Man poster will be released as well. If Disney follows past history, it would be a pretty good bet that an Iron Man 3 teaser trailer will hit this week, so fans should keep their eyes open tomorrow.Usually, these teaser trailers often wind up getting released through Entertainment Tonight, but we couldn’t find any indication of one on their preview for tomorrow’s show. Keep checking back to Comicbook.com, and if a teaser trailer is released, we’ll have it posted asap.Iron Man 3 is scheduled to be released in theaters on May 3, 2013. Super Bowl XLVII airs on Sunday, February 3, 2013 starting at 6:30 PM ET on CBS.
Iron Man 3 Super Bowl Trailer Teaser
We’ve gotten several emails tipping us to a rumor that a teaser trailer for the Iron Man 3 Super […]