Disney has released a ten-minute clip of their upcoming film, John Carter, based on the series of novels by Tarzan creator Edgar Rice Burroughs, which will be released in theaters on Friday.The film, directed by Academy Award-winning Wall-E and Finding Nemo director Andrew Stanton in his live-action feature debut, has been receiving glowing reviews from fans and critics who have had the opportunity to see early screenings. Look for a full review of the movie here at Comicbook.com this week.An earlier version of the film was scrapped a few years ago which would have featured concept art by former Turok and Conan artist Rafael Kayanan. An interview with Kayanan, as well as a number of his concept sketches for the John Carter of Mars that could have been, ran at Comic Book Resources earlier this week, conducted by Shinku and Artifacts writer Ron Marz.
John Carter: Ten-Minute Clip Released
Disney has released a ten-minute clip of their upcoming film, John Carter, based on the series of […]