
Kick-Ass 2 International Trailer: Jim Carrey Speaks, And Sounds…Different

Universal Pictures have released a new, international trailer for Kick-Ass 2, in which we get […]
Kick-Ass 2 stills_05

Universal Pictures have released a new, international trailer for Kick-Ass 2, in which we get another look at Hit-Girl kicking Kick-Ass’s ass during training as well as hearing from Jim Carrey’s Colonel Stars and Stripes quite a bit.It’s an impressive voice he’s doing–and he also gets a stand-alone credit title at the end of the ad. Looks like Carrey is still a big draw for the international audience.The trailer itself is largely made up of footage we’ve already seen, but it’s a bit more of a “plot-specific” look at the film than the others, laying the groundwork for the story, as well as for the big battle between Kick-Ass and his crew against the MotherF—er.Check it out below.