
Mad Max Chinese Knockoff Gets A Trailer

You can all stop holding your breath: There’s a trailer for Mad Shelia: Virgin Road.’But wait!’ […]

You can all stop holding your breath: There’s a trailer for Mad Shelia: Virgin Road.

“But wait!” You say. “That sounds like a bad, Chinese knock-off of Mad Max: Fury Road.

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Well, it is!

…Maybe not bad. We have no real way of knowing. But taking advantage of China’s lax copyright laws and the international box office’s hunger for bombastic action movies, a fad of knockoffs known as “wang da” films are being made on the cheap and released to the internet.

The film is the first in a series, with the next one — Mad Shelia: Revenge of the Road — even more like Mad Max: Fury Road. (Even though this one sounds like a Fury Road riff, it’s actually establishing the world and characters, so it’s really more like a take on the original Mad Max). The films star Fuo Xiao as a bounty hunter who frees a group of women from desert warlords.

Mad Shelia is apparently available now. Revenge of the Road is expected along in 2017.

