
Marvel Announces Years Of Future Past X-Men Series For Secret Wars

Writer Marguerite Bennett and artist Mike Norton are bringing the X-Men back to their most […]
Years of Future Past

Writer Marguerite Bennett and artist Mike Norton are bringing the X-Men back to their most dystopian future in Years of Future Past, a new Secret Wars series.

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The series takes place in the future first seen in Chris Claremont and John Byrne’s classic Days of Future Past story, which served as the inspiration for the latest X-Men movie. In that story, Kate Pryde, with the help of Rachel Summers, was sent back into time to inhabit the body of her younger self to try to prevent their nightmarish future from ever becoming a reality. Years of Future Past will go back to that future, which now inhabits the Sentinel Territories of Battleworld, to explore what would have happened if time travel wasn’t an option.

The story will feature two additional characters that weren’t in Days of Future Cast, and they serve as a catalyst for much of Year’s of Future Past‘s plot.

“The two major new players are the big change,” Bennet tells CBR. “The first actually came from something that troubled me all the way back when I was a teenager — it’s almost a throwaway line Kate makes to Colossus, where she references having been a mother, and something terrible having happened. In this future dystopia, Kitty is not an optimistic young girl with nothing left to lose — she is a mother and wife with more to lose than ever before. No single battle rests on her — her entire people is dwindled down to near extinction. All survival hinges on her choices.”

Secret Wars begins in May. Years of Future Past kicks off in June. Check out a preview in the gallery below.