Marvel Comics have provided fans with a first look at All-New X-Men #9, due in stores on March 20 from Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen.One of the great things about this book, of course, is putting the characters in seemingly-familiar situations for the reader, who are then forced to come to grips with the fact that these “First Class” X-Men haven’t been through nearly as much as their older counterparts. Therefore, we’re getting a nice look at how some of our Merry Marvel Mutants might deal with the Sentinel menace in next year’s X-Men: Days of Future Past with a story here about the first time the All-New X-Men come face to face with the big, purple robots.You can check out the cover at right and the preview pages below.
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Marvel is pleased to present your first look at All-New X-Men #9, from the critically acclaimed creative team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Stuart Immonen! Hot on the heels of the Uncanny X-Men facing Sentinels in their first issue, the All-New X-Men find themselves face-to-face with Sentinels for the very first time. Something is boiling under the surface of the Marvel Universe! Also, Mystique continues to make some big moves that will have huge circumstances for the X-Men.An all-new direction! All-new threats! All-new consequences! This is All-New X-Men#9!ALL-NEW X-MEN #9 (JAN130676)Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDISArt & Cover by STUART IMMONENFOC – 02/25/13 On-Sale – 03/20/13