
Mortal Kombat X Gets Social With Selfie Fatality

Look sharp, Mortal Kombat players: You never know when someone might snap a photo of your […]
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Look sharp, Mortal Kombat players: You never know when someone might snap a photo of your dismembered corpse.

The selfie trend has finally infiltrated the venerable gaming franchise, courtesy of character Cassie Cage. It was recently discovered that in the upcoming Mortal Kombat X, Cage’s Fatality move will involve the character (naturally) ripping her opponent’s jaw off before bringing them in close for a selfie photo.

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But the social sadism doesn’t end there. Cassie will then post the gruesome Selfie to a fictional version of Facebook, aptly named “Friendship.” Not to let a good joke die young, the Friendship Page is populated with other humorous Easter eggs, like comments on Cassie’s duck face.ย Because if you’re not having fun while ripping another human apart, what’s the point?


When Mortal Kombat X comes out next week, we’re pretty sure this Fatality will get plenty of Likes. The game hits shelves on April 14th.

Viaย Kotaku