
REVIEW: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice – The Most Comic-Booky Comic Book Movie

Before I jump into this review you should know that I like Man of Steel. A lot of people took […]

Before I jump into this review you should know that I like Man of Steel. A lot of people took issue with the ending beat of the battle of Metropolis and to those people I say – have no fear! Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice deals directly with the reaction and ramification of Superman’s actions.

Henry Cavill continues to be an inspiring choice to play the Man of Steel and in this movie he gets to play conflict and growth in both aspects of Superman’s life. On the Superman front he is learning how to work with other heroes and understand what it means to be a symbol and in his life as Clark Kent he faces shifting relationships and new dangers with his mother (the awesome Diane Lane returns!), and Amy Adams’ Lois Lane.

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The cool thing about Lois Lane is that, in BvS, she is the fourth lead. For instance, in the final battle Lois is every bit as integral as the Trinity. Not only is it great to have a team made up of equal parts men and women, but having Lois Lane as the audience’s non-super powered point-of-view characters is a really nice, subtle way to bring us into the fold.

Now, the big question on everyone’s mind: Batman? When Ben Affleck was originally cast in the role he took a lot of crap from the Internet. I will fully admit that I was one of the people not enthused by his casting, but I am here to tell you: Affleck is the greatest on screen Batman. Yes, better than Christian Bale (who was great). He’s the best. This Dark Knight is the closest to the comic books that has hit the big screen. Luckily, BvS does not linger on his origin; rather, we meet Bruce Wayne and Batman in media res with Jeremy Iron’s technologically-minded Alfred by his side. Affleck and Snyder definitely hit the requisite emotion beats and guilt, without making him so brooding that viewers can’t relate to him.

Fun fact: Laurence Fishburne’s Perry White gets the best zingers in the entire movie! He is, at the same time, one of the most grounded characters and the funniest. It’s great to see him in each and every scene.

BvS clips along at a fabulous pace. Despite having moments to breathe and for character to have quiet moments of reflection, Snyder and the screenwriters up the stakes with all speed and never allow the almost 3-hour-long movie to drag. Much of this has to do with the fights. Each character has an individual style – Batman, for example, is a lot of kicks and punches, determined to beat through someone’s body is that’s what it takes to make them submit – that subtly teaches the audience something about the character, while being endlessly entertaining.

Fun fact: the screening that I attended got the biggest cheer during a fight and it was when Wonder Woman shows up for the first time! Gal Gadot kills it as Wondy! We are introduced to her as Diana Prince and there is even a moment that ties directly into the upcoming Wonder Woman movie that left me wanting it RIGHT NOW and not next year! When Wonder Woman finally arrives she is powerful, capable and does not need with Batman or Superman for anything.

The completed Trinity are complementary to each other and absolutely earn the audience’s trust when they take the steps toward building the Justice League. Speaking of the Justice League – yes, all the cameos you’ve heard about are in the movie, but they are exactly that: cameos. They are brief.

Overall, BvS is the most comic-booky comic book movie I have ever seen. These versions of the Trinity could have stepped right out of the modern day comic books and onto the big screen. It is the DC movie I’ve been waiting for my entire life. It will thrill DC fans and provide solace for those who weren’t pleased with MoS. There is insight into the planning and thought behind the DC extended universe and I, for one, am SO EXCITED to see more.

Have you seen Dawn of Justice yet? If so, go rate it in the Movie Database for a chance to win your very own Armored Batman figure!

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is now playing in theaters.