
Stan Lee’s POW! Entertainment Releases Second ‘Stan Lee’s Work Force’ Online Novel

Stan Lee’s POW! Entertainment today announced the second book to the successful online […]

Stan Lee’s POW! Entertainment today announced the second book to the successful online serialized novel series Stan Lee‘s Work Force that showcases Lee managing an office of superhero staff members. The second book debuts today on and will release one chapter every Tuesday and Thursday. The second book will be translated and published in China later this summer.

Stan Lee’s Work Force continues to strive away from being an ordinary hero comic series. The online novel follows the zany adventures of superheroes under the supervision of their hilarious & creative leader Stan Lee at his POW! Entertainment offices. The office setting provides opportunity for countless original stories that are fun for all ages — anything from a human brain-craving computer to daily office battles with interdimensional monsters, it’s all in a day’s work at Stan Lee’s POW! Entertainment.

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The first book ran for the past five weeks with nine chapters. Readers enjoyed the cliffhanger with all the computers inside the office turning into brain-hungry monsters and the superheroes preparing for battle. The second book will showcase twelve additional chapters introducing new storylines and characters along with Stan Lee taking part in the fun-filled, outrageous adventures.


“We loved introducing our motley crew of office workers at POW! Entertainment in the first book, but it doesn’t end there! There’s even more kooky characters and spectacular storylines to keep you riveted in the second book, and we can’t wait to reveal more about my superhero subordinates — talk about a courageous bunch!” stated Stan Lee.

“We are thrilled with the success of the first book and it’s been amazing to see the response from the fans,” stated Shane Duffy, CEO, Stan Lee’s POW! Entertainment. “Stan and the team at POW! have created a great new universe of relatable characters for all cultures who love storytelling, and we hope they will enjoy Work Force as much as we do.”


All is quiet on the ground level of the Excelsior building. The three elevators leading up to the various floors of the structure sit closed, waiting to be called into service. An elegant but worn sign reading: THE EXCELSIOR hangs above the pulleys.

Alter-Ego is the first to arrive on the scene. He confidently strolls up to the metal doors whistling with a happy-go-lucky bounce in his step. He pushes the “up” button on the wall panel and waits.

With a pummeling gust of wind, Zip is the second to arrive. Alter-Ego remains calm against all the chaos that Zip’s super speed brings. He’s more than used to it by now. “Hiya A-E!” she cheerily greets him, narrowly sliding to a stop across the slick lobby floor.