One of the great things about the Super Bowl is that movie studios often premiere new trailers for their upcoming blockbuster motion pictures during the Big Game. Given the success of The Dark Knight and Iron Man, many upcoming movies have themes that are rooted either in comic books, sci-fi, action figures, or Saturday morning shows.During the Super Bowl, I watched and have reviewed all the various Super Bowl commercial movie trailers. I have ranked the Super Bowl commercial movie trailers according to how interested I was in them as a comic book fan. I started the ranking with my least favorite trailer first and proceeded to my favorite trailer last.10. Up movie trailer โ Ouch, did Disney Pixar really want to put this trailer up against Monsters Vs. Aliens? The trailer made it look like one of the most boring animated movies ever. Most of the trailer centered around an old man whose house gets lifted up by a bunch of balloons. Hopefully, the movie is better, and this just happened to be a really bad trailer. Favorite line of the Up movie trailer was “With my GPS, we’ll never be lost.”9. Angels And Demons movie trailer โ While I was hoping to like this movie trailer, it didn’t really impress me. Tom Hanks seemed really out of place in the action sequences in the movie. Favorite line of the Angels And Demons movie trailer was “It’s the ancient Illuminati threat, the destruction of the Vatican City through light.”8. Year One movie trailer โ I’ve seen another trailer for this movie that was hilarious. Unfortunately, the Year One trailer that aired during the Super Bowl wasn’t that great. It offered up a couple of laughs, but it didn’t do justice for what looks to be a great movie. Favorite line of the Year One movie trailer was “That kids got an arm.”7. Race To Witch Mountain movie trailer โ I don’t have strong feelings one way or the other for this movie. It looks like it might be a great movie for kids, but I’m not sure if it will have the same crossover appeal to adults that Monsters Vs. Aliens likely will have. The special effects did look really nice, and Dwayne Johnson had some funny lines. Favorite line of the Race To Witch Mountain movie trailer was “Don’t go in the pimped out fridge, Jack.”6. Land Of The Lost movie trailer โ While I couldn’t help but chuckle at a couple of scenes, the Land Of The Lost movie trailer left me undecided about the movie. While part of me wishes they had done a more serious version of Land Of The Lost, I realize it might have still come across as a comedy if it had been done seriously. I’ve really enjoyed some of Will Ferrell’s movies, so I think Land Of The Lost has a shot at being an enjoyable movie. However, it could also turn out to be a one joke dud. Favorite line from the Land Of The Lost trailer was after Matt Lauer asked Dr. Rick Marshall, “You’ve spent fifty million dollars of your money studying time warps?” Dr. Rick Marshall, who is played by Will Ferrell, replied “No, that’s adorable, no, taxpayers’ money.”5. Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen movie trailer โ While I still plan to go see this movie, I don’t know if the trailer did anything to increase my anticipation. The trailer was pretty much what I would expect from a Transformers movie in that it was light on the dialogue and heavy on the action. On the plus side, the special effects looked even better than in the first movie, but the lack of dialogue makes me worry about the plot. Overall I think the trailer for the first movie was better than the trailer for the sequel. Favorite and only line from the Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen trailer was “You don’t stop. You don’t hide. You run.”4. Fast And Furious 4 movie trailer โ Ok, as far as plot was concerned, Fast And Furious should never had gone past the first movie. However, I really enjoyed the first movie because of the cool cars and Vin Diesel. I didn’t much care for the previous two sequels, which didn’t include Vin Diesel. The Fast And Furious 4 movie trailer had me when they showed me that Vin Diesel was back. No one is expecting this movie to be intellectually stimulating, but the trailer succeeded in showing that there will be plenty of cool car crashes, which is good enough for me.Favorite and one of the only lines from Fast And Furious 4 movie trailer was “A lot has changed.”3. Star Trek movie trailer โ The new Star Trek movie trailer is creating a little bit of an uproar among some Star Trek purists that don’t like the new look. J.J. Abrams version of Star Trek is definitely not your daddy’s Star Trek. In fact, the Star Trek movie trailer looks more like a Star Wars movie than a Star Trek movie. That being said, I know I’m going to be in line at the theater the first day this movie comes out. While it might not be the Star Trek I’m used to, it looks like it could be a very entertaining version of Young Star Trek. Favorite line from the Star Trek trailer was “You can settle for an ordinary life. I dare you to do better.”2. Monsters Vs. Aliens movie trailer โ Once I got over the initial disappointment that Sigourney Weaver wasn’t in this movie, I realized that it looks to be a very well-done and entertaining kids movie that adults will likely enjoy as well. How can you go wrong with a movie that has monsters and aliens and is in 3-D? Based on the hilarious trailer, I’m predicting that Monsters Vs. Aliens will be the most successful animated movie of 2009. Favorite line from the Monsters Vs. Aliens movie trailer was “Humans of Earth, I have come in peace, and you all will die.”1. G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra movie trailer โ The idea of a G.I. Joe movie worries me from the perspective that it could easily be done wrong. However, the G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra movie trailer has my hopes up that it has been done correctly.While there wasn’t enough dialogue featured to really tell how the plot will play out, the special effects were superb. From the Eiffel Tower crashing down to G.I. Joes flying through moving train windows to ninjas battling, G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra looks to be one graphically pleasing, intense thrill ride from the trailer. Favorite line from the G.I. Joe trailer was “When all else fails, we don’t.” Because this movie trailer took a movie that I wasn’t very excited about and moved it to the top of my must-see list, I ranked it as the best movie trailer during the Super Bowl.
Super Bowl Commercials: Movie Trailers Ranked By A Comic Book Geek
One of the great things about the Super Bowl is that movie studios often premiere new trailers for […]