
“The Shadow” Movie Arrives at Fox!

The mysterious, enigmatic pulp hero The Shadow once again finds new life in a medium he’s seen […]

The mysterious, enigmatic pulp hero The Shadow once again finds new life in a medium he’s seen before.One of America’s most recognized fictional characters, The Shadow has been in radio plays, pulp magazines, serial movies, comic books and of course the 1994 Alec Baldwin feature film.Now, it seems that the character is arriving on the big screen once again, but not with Sony.The next film appears to be coming from 20th Century Fox, with Sam Raimi still on board as a producer for the project!Perhaps following Raimi after his split with Sony over the Spider-Man 4 mess, the movie is currently looking for a director.One name that has been batted around is that of David Slade, known for his movies such as 30 Days of Night and Hard Candy.He will also be directing the upcoming Twilight Saga: Eclipse film, so his toes are already firmly planted in the land of fantasy, comic books and heroes.Raimi is already well-aware of Slade’s work, as Raimi also produced the 30 Days of Night adaptation.We promise not to keep you in the dark if more news of this comes forward!

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