So, of course, we decided to put it to you, the readers, to give us some input.Below is a list of candidates for‘s Person of the Year 2012, something we just made up, and a short paragraph describing why each is a strong candidate.This is about the person in comics (not related media–no Joss Whedons or Glen Mazzaras here, I’m afraid) who defined 2012. Was it Dan DiDio, for breathing life into Before Watchmen, or Chris Roberson for rebelling against it? Was it Robert Kirkman, for bringing more new faces into comic book stores this year than anyone else or Brian K. Vaughan for having what’s arguably the best series on the rack month in and month out?It’s up to you to convince us which of them deserves the title; just e-mail your responses to between now and January 30. On January 31, we’ll run a story based on your feedback and name the consensus Person of the Year.Note, this isn’t a straight democratic vote; reader’s input will be taken into consideration along with the ongoing discussion of the writers. This is done mostly to avoid a situation where everyone collectively decides to vote for Chuck Austen or something just to have fun with us, or where we don’t get enough votes to be considered a prevailing opinion but it comes out six to four to two to one or something.In any event, on to the list. These are presented in no particular order, other than the order it occurred to us to list them.And if we don’t cover your particular candidate, by all means let us know. Maybe we’ll add them.
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