
Who Would You Want in Super Bowl XLVIII: Booster Gold or Flash Gordon?

In honor of today’s Super Bowl XLVIII, being held between the Denver Broncos and the Seattle […]

In honor of today’s Super Bowl XLVIII, being held between the Denver Broncos and the Seattle Seahawks in New York, we decided it was a good time to re-evaluate our old list of some of your favorite superheroes stack up on the Gridiron.There are, perhaps unsurprisingly, a great number of superheroes and villains who have been athletes over the years. But who are our favorites?From the short-lived and the little known to the obvious and recent, here’s a rundown of our ten favorite comic book super-pros–and one to grow on.

Justice League

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Justice League

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Showcase ’96
Booster Gold
Booster Gold (Michael Jon “Booster” Carter)
Crisis on Infinite Earths Smallville
Man of Steel Flash Thompson
Afterlife With Archie Archie Savage Dragon Spawn
Batman ’66 read our interview with Shaner here this Youtube video