The X-Files Season Ten #1
Written by Joe Harris
Art by Michael Walsh and Jordi Bellaire
Grade: A-
Mars Attacks
The Fury of Firestorm the Nuclear Men
The X-Files
X-Files/30 Days of Night
I Want to Believe
a number of fan theories
The X-Files
The X-Files
The X-Files
The X-Files
Star Wars
The Invisibles
There are a lot of challenges faced by comic books that are based on licensed properties.First of all, they tend not to be very good–TV series, movies and toys turned into comics seem to be perceived by publishers and audiences as low-hanging fruit, and so top-tier talent don’t get assigned, editorial oversight is hugely increased because of the needs for licensor approval and overall the final product disappoints comic book fans and fans of the original property alike.Those rules, of course, have started to become less and less hard-and-fast in recent years as we’ve seen fan-favorite series based on properties like Hellraiser, The Muppets, Transformers, G.I. Joe and Ghostbusters.