Apparently veteran comics writer/artist John Byrne, who drew many of Chris Claremont’s best-known and best-loved X-Men stories including “Days of Future Past” — doesn’t particularly like the way Fox has handled the property on film.The often-outspoken comics creator told fans on his message boards that he had not been offered, and would not have accepted, a cameo appearance in X-Men: Days of Future Past (very LBJ of him — maybe he’s getting into the spirit of the period after all).That’s because he apparently doesn’t care for the film adaptations of the characters. Bleeding Cool quotes Byrne as writing, “Given how much I’ve haaaaaaaaated what the movies have done with the X-Men, being offered a ‘cameo’ would feel a lot like the prom scene in Carrie.”
X-Men: Days of Future Past Artist John Byrne Wasn’t Offered, And Wouldn’t Accept, A Cameo
Apparently veteran comics writer/artist John Byrne, who drew many of Chris Claremont’s best-known […]