
10 Marvel vs. DC Fights Everyone Wants to See

Marvel and DC has some epic showdowns that everyone wants to see in their upcoming crossovers.

The Avengers and Justice League clashing

Marvel and DC Comics have announced that they are going to start having crossovers again, and everyone is excited. Crossovers between the two publishers have run the gamut from not so great to amazing, and Marvel vs. DC arguments remain a huge part of being a comic fan. Everyone who loves comics, and nowadays everyone who loves superhero movies, talks about the characters of Marvel and DC duking it out to see who would win. It’s an inevitable part of being a superhero fan; we all want to see characters who should never be able to fight finally get the chance to beat on each other before teaming up and going after a villain.

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This new round of Marvel vs. DC has a lot of people talking about those old Marvel and DC fights. There are some characters who would just give fans amazing fights, battles that would melt the faces of everyone who reads them. These ten Marvel vs. DC fights are the ones that everyone wants to see, and hopefully we’ll get them sooner rather than later.

Batman Vs. Daredevil

A split image of Batman and Daredevil

Batman has faced many challenging villains, and is among the most skilled hand to hand combatants in comics. Daredevil isn’t on the same level of heroism as Batman, but he’s definitely on the same level as Batman in fighting skill, with some fans arguing that Daredevil is actually more skilled. That’s why seeing a fight between Batman and Daredevil would be so awesome. Would Daredevil’s radar sense give him his normal advantage, or would Batman be able to exploit it? Batman and Daredevil in a no holds barred battle along the rooftops of New York City of Gotham would be worth the ten dollars that any crossover issue will probably cost. It’s a fight where it’s hard to pick winner, unless you’re talking about the audience.

Nightwing vs. Spider-Man

A split image of Nightwing and Spider-Man

A lot of people would like to see Spider-Man battle Batman, but it would probably just lead to Batman just putting on some boring armor. A much more interesting fight for Spider-Man would be against a character who actually paved the way for Wall-Crawler โ€” the first young superhero, the first Robin, and current leader of the DC superhero community, Nightwing. Nightwing has often fought enemies who are much more powerful physically than him, and figured out a way to win. Nightwing is smart enough to figure out the spider-sense, but would he be able to survive the battle long enough to make a plan that works? An acrobatic battle between Nightwing and Spider-Man would be an excellent one. Plus, let’s be real โ€” Nightwing and Spider-Man quipping during a fight is gold.

Wolverine vs. Hawkman

A split image of Wolverine and Hawkman

Wolverine is yet another character who people would want Batman to fight โ€” honestly, this whole list could be “Batman vs….” โ€” there’s a long tenured DC hero who would give Wolverine a much better fight. Hawkman can get downright brutal, and his Nth metal granted superhuman strength and healing factor make him just as deadly as the Marvel hero. Wolverine and Hawkman fit together as combatants; they’re two experienced berserkers who can take a fight further than anyone else. Each of them would have to figure out the best way to deal with the others’ advantages, and that would make this an exciting and bloody fight.

The Flash vs. Northstar

A split image of the Flash and Northstar

Wally West is the greatest Flash of them all, and is one of the most powerful characters in any superhero universe. Wally’s mastered the Speed Force and is much, much faster than basically anyone in Marvel, so it’s hard to figure out who to put him up against. Most people pit the Flash against Quicksilver, but as good as Quicksilver is, he’s just not fast enough. However, there is a Marvel speedster who can match Wally in speed to an extent, and that’s the mutant known as Northstar. Northstar can move at the speed of light, which puts him close to Wally’s league. He also has light powers which would give him an extra weapon to use against the Flash. The Flash vs. Northstar would be an epic battle. Add in Northstar’s sass and Wally’s sense of humor, and this would make for a very entertaining battle.

Iron Man vs. Lex Luthor

A split image of Iron Man and Lex Luthor

Tony Stark is the Marvel Universe’s greatest inventor, his Iron Man armor one of the greatest suits of armor in comics. DC has several characters that could actually match Iron Man as inventors, but there’s one villain that would make for the most epic showdown โ€” Lex Luthor. Lex Luthor is the smartest person on his Earth, and one of the wealthiest. A contest between Iron Man and Lex Luthor would be one of corporate intrigue, with Tony and Lex squaring off in offices and in the public space, with the two of them facing off on every level. It would eventually come to fisticuffs, and that’s where it gets even more interesting. Lex Luthor’s armor is powerful enough to fight Superman; that’s way stronger than anything Iron Man has ever built. How would Iron Man be able to deal with someone who is in every way his superior? Iron Man and Lex Luthor would make for an insanely entertaining battle.

Scarlet Witch vs. Zatanna

A split image of Scarlet Witch and Zatanna

Scarlet Witch is Marvel’s most prominent magic woman, on top of being one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Universe. Her reality-altering powers allow for a wide range of abilities; add in her magical skill and Scarlet Witch can defeat nearly any hero one on one. However, DC has their own ultra-powerful magical lady and she could actually challenge Scarlet Witch โ€” Zatanna. Zatanna’s backwards talking magic gives her a level of power that can rival Scarlet Witch’s. On top of that, Zatanna has trained in magic much, much longer, which would even up the odds. Could Zatanna overcome Scarlet Witch’s greater power or will Scarlet Witch be able to outsmart one of DC’s craftiest heroes? This would be an amazing match-up.

Hulk vs. Doomsday

A split image of Hulk and Doomsday

The Hulk is the strongest Avenger and many people would like to see him battle Superman. However, there’s a way better match-up for Hulk against a Superman villain, the beast known as Doomsday. Hulk and Doomsday basically have the exact powers โ€” boundless strength, invulnerability, and a hyper healing factor, and all of that is bounded by bottomless rage. Hulk vs. Doomsday is the kind of slugfest that comics were made for. Hulk and Doomsday ripping each apart for eighty pages would be an amazing crossover battle. These two are perfectly made as sparring mates. Dropping these two into a desert and letting them slug it out would make for a titanic tussle unlike anything anyone else has ever seen.

Hawkeye vs. Green Arrow

A split image of Hawkeye and Green Arrow

Hawkeye and Green Arrow have a lot in common. Both of them are archers on teams of gods, both of them are known for being mouthy and temperamental, and both of them are known for their relationships with beautiful women. Hawkeye and Green Arrow is a hard fight to figure out. While Hawkeye has been training since childhood, Green Arrow is also an amazing marksman. Both of them have the same kinds of trick arrows, so there’s no advantage there. It’s even hard to say who is the better fighter; Hawkeye has training from Captain America, but Green Arrow trained with the best fighters in the Justice League and the vigilante community. It’s even hard to say who’s stronger out of both of them. Hawkeye and Green Arrow would be an exciting match-up, because really knows how it would go.

Wonder Woman vs. Rogue

A split image of Wonder Woman and Rogue

Marvel doesn’t really have a superheroine on the level of Wonder Woman. They’ve tried to make Captain Marvel take that place, but Captain Marvel isn’t even the most popular superheroine in the Marvel Universe. The X-Men have way more popular superheroines and one of them would make for an excellent foe for Wonder Woman โ€” Rogue. Wonder Woman is much stronger and faster than Rogue. She’s a better fighter, with way more experience. Wonder Woman seems to have every advantage on Rogue, but that’s not the case. Rogue is a ridiculously skilled and experienced hero, and her power to drain the abilities of others works on gods, so she can drain off some of Wonder Woman’s power. That would make things more even, and lead this battle into the legendary heights where it belongs.

Superman vs. Thor

A split image of Superman and

Readers have seen battles between Superman and Thor before, namely in the last major Marvel/DC crossover JLA/Avengers #1-4. Thor utilizes magic, which is one of the few forces that can hurt Superman. There’s a question of whether Thor is as strong as Superman โ€” Superman is back to near pre-Crisis levels of strength, meaning he can throw planets again โ€” but his powers have grown exponentially and he’s more skilled in combat. Superman, however, is an indefatigable fighter who has faced worse odds than Thor in his day. Thor is currently going through a major challenge and Superman is facing down his future death again; both of them are at their best. A fight between the two now would be the best fight in the history of superheroes. We all want Superman vs. Thor and hopefully will get it sooner rather than later.