
DC Reveals Shaken-Up Looks and Powers for Two of Green Lantern’s Most Lethal Villains

DC reveals new costumes and some shaken-up powers for two Green Lantern villains

DC’s Green Lantern Corps is back and getting stronger by the day, but the world it now seeks to protect is as volatile as ever. That’s thanks to an emotional spectrum that is now running unchecked after the destruction of most Power Batteries in the universe, and that’s also had a direct effect on some of the Green Lantern Corps’ biggest villains. In Green Lantern Corps #2, readers reunite with lethal DC villain favorites Atrocitus and Dex-Starr, who have both received very different looks and even some shaken-up powers as well, and you can find all the spoiler details below.

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The issue begins with John Stewart and Hawkgirl heading to the remains of Thanagar along with a few other Lanterns, including Kilowog. Thanagar was the victim of Thaaros’ manipulation of the emotional spectrum, as his meddling caused Mogo to lose all control as rage overtook him. The rage-induced Mogo then collided with Thanagar and practically destroyed the planet, but as we learn in the issue, there are others now holding court there for a mysterious purpose.

Stewart and Hawkgirl find a large ship that seems to be creating a hole in Thanagar’s surface, and it’s being run by the remnants of the Rage Corps, with Atrocitus leading the charge. Atrocitus no longer sports the bright red armor of times past, and he also lacks any sort of Power Ring. Instead, he is wearing a mostly black suit with several pieces of armor that have glowing red cores.

He’s not the only villain sporting a new look, as everyone’s favorite murderous cat Dex-Starr is also wearing a new costume. The new suit is mostly black with elements of red, though just like Atrocitus, gone are the bright red suits of the Rage Corps, and the old Lantern symbol is non-existent.

As for Atrocitus, we do learn that he is somehow able to channel into the power of rage thanks to his armor, and he can even generate weapon constructs. It is revealed that Zilius Zox is the reason for that power, but it’s not exactly his choice. Zox is secured in a device that is funneling rage energy directly into the ship, and it turns out it’s Nth metal that is allowing the ship to conduct that energy.

Typically if someone generates Rage energy without being able to control it with will, they tend to explode, but the Nth metal is transferring the energy from Zox before it can reach critical mass, keeping Zox in a perpetual state of misery and allowing Atrocitus to wield that power as his own. That’s also why they are on Thanagar, as they need more Nth metal to further their cause.

We’ve now been reintroduced to Green Lanterns, Yellow Lanterns, and now Red Lanterns, and it remains to be seen if we’ll see more Lanterns from the old Corps in person moving forward. You can read the full issue and see what Atrocitus has in store next, especially after another major revelation to close out the issue.

What do you think of Atrocitus and Dex-Starr’s new look? Let us know in the comments, and you can talk all things comics with me on Bluesky @knightofoa!