Knight Terrors: First Blood #1 Review: DC's New Nightmarish Event Is Off to a Stellar Start

The DC Universe is at the horizon of Knight Terrors, a new line-wide event that brings horror to the forefront of every superhero's vision. It kicks off in Knight Terrors: First Blood by writer Joshua Williamson, artist Howard Porter, colorist Brad Anderson, and letterer Troy Peteri, and it's a stellar primer of what fans can expect from the event. The MVP of the issue is fan favorite Deadman who shines in every single exchange and appearance providing a welcome prism through which to view the DC trinity. Porter and Anderson's styles are a perfect companion for the creepier scenarios at play, and the set pieces themselves offer a number of creative opportunities. First Blood is fittingly a perfect place to start and in more ways than one.

The issue begins and ends with Boston Brand and, as previously mentioned, Deadman is one of the issue's biggest draws. The nature of his power set and how he interacts with the physical world are ripe for scenarios both hilarious and disturbing, and Williamson utilizes both in equal measure. That said, Brand makes an impression before any of that can even come into play, as just hearing how he views Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman is worth attending these creepy festivities.

The same compliments can and should be paid to the artwork, as the issue's very first page is poster-worthy all on its own and only continues to impress as Deadman gives chase to a haunting feeling. The soft blues and bright reds in Superman's pages brilliantly capture Brand's own commentary on the Man of Steel, and the same is true of the bright greens and yellows of Wonder Woman's time in the sun. This is taken to another level with Batman, as his interactions with Deadman are far more surreal.

You're going to see things in First Blood that you in no way expect, and that's a huge compliment to the story. Whether it's Batman vomiting out Deadman or Batman biting into a gross nightmare creature, the further into the villain Insomnia's world things fall, the more eye-catching the world becomes. Deep purples, muted greens, and dazzling pinks and oranges fill each page, and the action has a ferocity to it that you don't typically see.

There is a bit of well-worn nightmare territory, like with a trip to Crime Alley, but those moments are thankfully brief and are offset by the combination of Batman and Deadman. As you might expect, they do share a body at several points, and there's just so much to be mined from the pairing that most any flaws are easy to ignore. My only other qualm is a personal preference, as there frankly was just not enough Detective Chimp. That said, I give complete credit for having him show up at all, so I'm not exactly complaining. Just more Chimp, please.

Deadman is the engine that keeps the comic moving, and he is responsible for several of the issue's best and most memorable moments. His interactions with the League and the villain are at the heart of what's so intriguing about the issue and the Knight Terrors premise, so if you're a fan of the character you are going to find an absurd amount to love here. Knight Terrors: First Blood offers a compelling mystery with heart while a world of nightmares shakes up the battlefield in any number of slick and disturbing ways. If this is what fans can look forward to in the event moving forward, we seem to be in for a truly fun time.

Published by DC Comics

On July 5, 2023

Written by Joshua Williamson

Art by Howard Porter

Colors by Brad Anderson

Letters by Troy Peteri

Cover by Howard Porter and Hi-Fi