Blood Hunt is raising the stakes. Marvel’s vampire crossover event assembles a team of heroes — among them Blade the vampire slayer, his Daywalker daughter Bloodline, and his vampire-hunting protégé, the Miles Morales Spider-Man — against a legion of bloodsuckers to save the Marvel Universe from the vampire apocalypse. Writer Jed MacKay (Avengers, Vengeance of the Moon Knight) and X-Men artists Pepe Larraz and Marte Gracia are behind Blood Hunt, launching in May 2024 with a main limited event series, tie-in issues, and new limited series and one-shots, beginning with Blood Hunt #1 and this year’s Free Comic Book Day 2024: Blood Hunt/X-Men #1.
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Below, sink your teeth into the just-revealed Blood Hunt #1 cover from artist Kael Ngu (Invincible Iron Man, Timeless), which poses an ominous question: “Who will bite it?”

The latest look features the central characters: Blade, Doctor Strange, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, Thor, and Hunter’s Moon and Tigra, who are carrying on Marc Spector’s Midnight Mission after the death of Moon Knight.
Marvel’s synopsis for Blood Hunt: “As eternal night takes hold of the Marvel Universe, an overwhelming army of bloodsucking terrors will emerge, united by a single vision for the first time in millennia. To keep them at bay, a new world order may need to be put in place… The skies have gone dark, the sun hiding its face from the carnage to come. The children of the night, the vampires, have risen from the dark and hidden places of the world as one to drown the Marvel Universe in blood. Earth’s final night has fallen-can even the heroes of this doomed world stem the tide of blood that is to come? Join the Avengers, Blade, Bloodline, Spider-Man, Hunter’s Moon, Tigra, Doctor Strange, and Clea as the dance of death begins.”
“Much like Civil War and Secret Invasion, Blood Hunt is a story that has been naturally building across Marvel’s comics over the last few years (and some even older stories), and it all comes to a head this May as Jed connects all the dots,” Editor in Chief C.B. Cebulski told when revealing the first interior pages. “As the series unfolds, readers will be able to uncover clues and go back and put the pieces together to see just how high the stakes are for our beloved characters. Pun intended.”
“I think vampires are a very fun part of the Marvel Universe. You can enjoy them on a surface level as adding a little spookiness to a book, or you can get as deep as you like into the long-running Marvel history of vampires, which is as elaborate as any other part of it (and the fact that Dracula is there is a source of endless delight),” MacKay teased. “Blood Hunt is just the latest chapter in the long-running vampire mythos of Marvel vampires-and they’re stepping out of the darkness in a big way.”

Written by JED MACKAY
Art and Cover by PEPE LARRAZ
On Sale 5/1
Marvel’s Blood Hunt begins May 1, 2024.