“Doom is above all,” Emperor of the World Doom says in Wednesday’s One World Under Doom #1. “And in his magnanimity, in his pity, in his greatness, Doom will save you.” After assuming the mantle of Earth’s new Sorcerer Supreme from Doctor Strange, Victor von Doom vowed to protect the world against all enemies, “magical or mystical.” Threats like Cyttorak the Destroyer and his eight scions (a responsibility Doom delegated to Spider-Man, his champion of the covenant), and the ancient spirit Eégún, who struck down the mutant goddess Storm before battling Doom in his homeland of Latveria.
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The first of nine issues by writer Ryan North (Fantastic Four) and artist R.B. Silva (Captain America: Symbol of Truth) opens with Doom declaring himself Emperor of the World and leader of a new United Latveria: consolidating every nation on Earth into one world under Doom.
Solicitations for upcoming issues have teased that the Fantastic Four, the Avengers, and the combined might of Earth’s mightiest heroes are all powerless to stop Doom. But the greatest threat to Doom’s reign is the Sorcerer Supreme’s archnemesis:
The Dread Dormammu.

RELATED: Marvel’s One World Under Doom, Explained (and Where to Start Reading)
As Doom’s predecessor travels to Asgard to become Doctor Strange of Asgard in a new series from Derek Landy (Infinity Watch) and Carlos Magno (Captain America), Doom will stand alone against the Lord of the Dark Dimension when One World Under Doom #4 hits stands on May 14.
See the just-revealed cover below, and solicitations for the first four (of nine) issues of the core title anchoring the event that continues in February — with issues of Doom Academy, Thunderbolts: Doomstrike, X-Factor, Weapon X-Men, Storm, Red Hulk, and Fantastic Four — and in March with Doctor Strange of Asgard, NYX, Iron Man, The Amazing Spider-Man, Doom’s Division, and more.
One World Under Doom #1

ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM! Six months ago, Doctor Victor Von Doom became Sorcerer Supreme – then disappeared behind Latveria’s closed borders. For most, there’s enough going on in the world that Doom’s absence is not a priority, and some time without him feels like a blessing. Only a few recognize it for what it truly was…the calm before the storm. It is a storm that has now arrived. The world has woken up to a new reality: Doctor Doom, Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme, has magically taken over every broadcast medium on the planet and declared himself Emperor of the World – the ruler of a new United Latveria! And shockingly, impossibly, all of Earth’s leaders seem to be going along with this. Luckily, whether it’s mind control or Doombots, whatever’s affecting them hasn’t affected Earth’s heroes – and so they quickly form a strike team to stop Doom’s machinations. But will they succeed? And what happens when some begin to welcome their new Emperor with open arms, clamoring for One World Under Doom? Marvel’s biggest and most shocking event ever begins right here.
On sale: Feb. 12
One World Under Doom #2

Doctor Doom has taken over the world, and Earth’s mightiest heroes have failed twice: first to stop him, and now to overthrow him. But the Fantastic Four know Doom better than anyone, which makes them ideally suited to take on Earth’s new Emperor…except for the fact that he knows THEM just as well. As Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, and Sue and Johnny Storm prepare to face down Doom at the United Nations, Doom pays a secret visit to speak to the only person on Earth who holds both his favor, his respect…and his love. But can Valeria Richards change her uncle’s mind? And if she fails, what will stop Doom from visiting a shocking fate on the Fantastic Four that not even he can undo? And, as the Avengers reel from their losses, the course of the Marvel Universe will change – and Marvel’s First Family won’t be the same!
On sale: March 19
One World Under Doom #3

The Avengers have faced Doom…and they LOST. But Earth still needs avenging – and it’s not just the heroes who dislike having Doom in charge. And so heroes and villains unite against Doom, intent on taking him down once and for all! But that’s not all: A simultaneous magic attack reveals the shocking truth of HOW Doom took over the world – with terrifying implications for how others might – or might not – take it from him. However, Doom’s mind – vast and cool and unsympathetic – is not the only one regarding Earth with envious eyes…
On sale: April 23
One World Under Doom #4

He’s mercilessly crushed the Fantastic Four. He brilliantly outplayed the Avengers. Now, Doom faces the first true threat to his world order… Sensing vulnerability, Dormammu has attacked Earth — and only Doom stands in his way! Dormammu has banished all other heroes to a pocket dimension, leaving Doom to stand alone against the Dark Lord of Chaos. But on the other hand, Doom has never needed allies in order to ensure that his will is done. It’s the ultimate showdown between two titans – with an ending you won’t see coming. As Earth hangs in the balance, it all comes down to DOOM VERSUS DORMAMMU.
On sale: May 14