Marvel’s Predator versus. Wolverine four-issue limited series has revealed its variant comic covers – check them out below!
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Synopsis: “THE THRILL IS THE KILL! The bloodthirsty saga you’ve been waiting for! Wolverine has lived one of the longest and most storied lives in Marvel Comics history. Now witness the untold greatest battles of Logan’s life — against a Predator! One Yautja seeks the greatest prey in existence — and finds it in Weapon X. From the blood-ridden snows of the Canadian wilderness to the sword-slinging streets of Madripor, Wolverine and a Predator break everything in their paths on their way to the ultimate victory…or glorious death.”
There’s good reason for Marvel and/or horror fans to be excited for Predator vs. Wolverine: namely the fact that Wolverine is the sort of prey that won’t die easily when a Predator comes hunting! In fact, series writer Benjamin Percy has repeatedly teased that Logan’s extra-long lifespan will also be a key factor in telling almost anthology-style stories of multiple hunts the Predators have tried against him:
“This epic hunt will span decades, as both of these giants learn and harden and grow deadlier with time,” Percy said when the series was announced. “Neither will have time to bleed, but you better make time to read, because I’m putting everything I’ve got into this event, and I’m thrilled to join forces with some of the best artists in the business.”
If that sounds like some kind of “What If…?” scenario born of fanboy discussion threads – it’s because it kind of is, according to Percy:
“I’m not going to say I was born to write this crossover… but sometimes the universe reveals why you were created,” the writer added. “I am a child of the eighties. I cannot tell you how many times I watched Predator, just as I cannot tell you how many Wolverine comics I have read, because that would be like telling you how many breaths I’ve taken or cheeseburgers I’ve eaten. The mythologies of both are ingrained in me so deeply they might as well be strands of DNA or wisps of soul. The guns, claws, beef, and blood of both franchises have been stewing in my brain since 1987, when I read myself to sleep every night with a stack of Marvel comics and my friends and I used to play ‘Predator’ with Nerf guns in the woods and river near our neighborhood.”
Here’s a sampling of the gritty variant covers for Predator Versus Wolverine #1. You can check out the full gallery over at Marvel.

Variant Cover by ALEX MALEEV
Virgin Variant Cover by ALEX MALEEV
Variant Cover by INHYUK LEE
Variant Cover by SKOTTIE YOUNG
Wolverine Homage Variant Cover by MIKE MCKONE
Predator Homage Variant Cover by MIKE MCKONE
Variant Cover by PEACH MOMOKO
Variant Cover by STEVEN MCNIVEN
Variant Cover by STEPHEN SEGOVIA
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