New Captain Marvel Series Announced

With Kelly Thompson's Captain Marvel run set to come to a conclusion this summer, a new series featuring Carol Danvers has already been revealed. Later this year, Marvel will debut Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest, a story featuring the return of a legendary Marvel creator. Ann Nocenti is returning to the House of Ideas to pen this series, which includes art by Star Wars: Bounty Hunters artist Paolo Villanelli.

The series takes place immediately after Thompson's run concludes and sees Captain Marvel take to space to face an all-new cosmic villain.

"I became curious about Carol Danvers during Kelly Sue DeConnick's iconic run on the book, because of how great her work is, but also at how deft Kelly Sue is at drawing in and embracing female readers," Nocenti shared when announcing the series. "Her Carol Corps is inspiring. Then I read some of Kelly Thompson's work on the book, and her stories are so much rollicking fun, I fell in love with Carol Danvers all over again. Captain Marvel is a sassy, funny, kick-ass hoot, and so much fun to write."

She added, "I came up with wild story set on an alien planet at the edge of a blackhole in space, but the space odyssey is tethered by Carol's friends (and a couple love interests) in Harpswell, Maine. Sarah Brunstad is a brilliant editor, she was inspiring to work with. You have a wacky idea? Sarah will help you make it happen. And Paolo Villanelli is a fabulous artist, he nails every panel, every scene, every issue. Literally, a dream artist to work with. Gorgeous art, plus together we are creating some new characters -- a duet of villains and a team of heroes -- and Paolo's designs are so tender, ferocious and cool, he's making it so easy to write this book. And we're re-designing a great Jim Starlin legacy character! So Captain Marvel gets swept up in space adventure with some doom and gloom teenagers who believe the planet's already wrecked, why bother building a family or career? Carol of course, gets that gleam in her eye, like, 'Game on, I'll show you how to live.'"

Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #1 is set to hit shelves at comic stores on July 5th.