'Arrow' EP Says Black Siren Wants Revenge in Season 7

Arrow's seventh season is set to put its characters in some unique spots, and it looks like one [...]

Arrow's seventh season is set to put its characters in some unique spots, and it looks like one fan-favorite is no exception.

Speaking to reporters at San Diego Comic-Con (via CinemaBlend), incoming Arrow showrunner Beth Schwartz teased what fans can expect in the upcoming Season 7. For Laurel Lance/Black Siren (Katie Cassidy), the newest batch of episodes will see her moral ambiguity take a new turn, following the death of Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne).

"So, I love Black Siren." Schwartz revealed. "She is so fun. What we loved about Katie and the character from last year is that you never really know which side she's on. Is she good? Is she bad? She falls somewhere in between. And so this year, with Lance's death -- which was really sad, I'm still not over it -- she has a lot. You know, she's pissed. She's pissed at Diaz, so she has a grudge. And so we're going to see her dealing with that. . . . Yeah, she's gonna play between good and bad again, and we're going to see how that affects her when she wants to get revenge for Lance's death."

Considering Siren's unique situation, it certainly makes sense that she would want some payback for how Lance's story came to a close. As fans will remember, Lance was shot by Ricardo Diaz (Kirk Acevedo) in the Season 6 finale, and ultimately died from his wounds soon after. Even though Siren is technically the doppelganger of Lance's daughter, the pair still had a close bond, one that extended behind the scenes as well.

"I love Paul so much." Cassidy told ComicBook.com before the Season 6 finale. "He's such an incredible actor and person. He and I got really close, I think he would probably say I was the closest one to him. So, he's gone, but I mean…is he really gone? It's sad, it really is. It makes me sad because we all worked so hard for so long. It just kinda sucks when it's like…He's an OG. He was there from day one, I was there from day one, with Stephen, David, and Willa... Let's hope that there's a way to work him back in."

Siren's alliances - and how she reacts to Lance's death - will also be particularly interesting within Season 7, seeing as there has been a push from fans (and Lance himself) to see her redeemed in some way.

"Yeah, absolutely." Cassidy explained. "I think there's room for redemption for her character. And I think, what I believe is that if they do reveal more of her backstory, and sort of tell her story actually, there'll be a lot more of an understanding of why she acts the way that she does."

Are you excited to see what's in store for Black Siren in Arrow's seventh season? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

The season seven premiere of Arrow, which is titled "Inmate 4587", will debut on Monday, October 15th, at 8/7c on The CW.