DC Fans “Devastated” That Henry Cavill is Out Again as Superman


News that has shaken the internet to its core arrived today with James Gunn confirming that Henry Cavill would not be returning as Superman, despite his Black Adam post-credit scene cameo. The Suicide Squad director turned DC Studios Co-CEO confimred the news in a series of tweets, revealing that he and collaborator Peter Safran had a meeting with Cavill and talked with him about other collaborations. Naturally, considering just two months ago the talk of the town was how the Man of Steel star would be suiting up once again, DC fans are having a lot of thoughts about the promise of Cavill’s return suddenly being pulled away. Check out what people are saying below.

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After news that Cavill would not be returning broke, the actor took to social media to confirm it, writing: “I have just had a meeting with James Gunn and Peter Safran and it’s sad news, everyone. I will, after all, not be returning as Superman. After being told by the studio to announce my return back in October, prior to their hire, this news isn’t the easiest, but that’s life. The changing of the guard is something that happens. I respect that. James and Peter have a universe to build. I wish them and all involved with the new universe the best of luck, and the happiest of fortunes. For those who have been by my side through the years….we can mourn for a bit, but then we must remember… Superman is still around. Everything he stands for still exists, and the examples he sets for us are still there! My turn to wear the cape has passed, but what Superman stands for never will. It’s been a fun ride with you all, onwards and upwards.” ย 

Star-Lord said it best: AAAAAAHhhh


So hilariously stupid.


The man looked incredible




It is what it is.


“Done with DC”


Just disheartening


Hope has officially been lost


Still excited


Such an L
