On Doom Patrol, Jane’s myriad of personalities have a major role. From Flit surfacing to teleport members of the team where they need to go to Hammerhead and Silver Tongue showing up to kick some butt all in the name of trying to save The Chief and even Dr. Harrison forming a cult and saving the world, things may be chaotic with Jane, but she’s an important part of the team. But this week, a sudden “vacancy” of primary personality threatens to create real problems for all the faces of Jane and in new photos for “Jane Patrol”, it looks like we’ll be getting meet some of them.
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DC Universe has released new photos for this week’s episode, “Jane Patrol” and in them, we get our first look at several of Jane’s other personalities — including some we’ve yet to meet — as well as Cliff inside The Underground where they all reside.
The episode appears to be Doom Patrol‘s take on a significant chapter from the Doom Patrol comics. In Doom Patrol #30, after a devastating confrontation with the Fifth Horseman, Jane’s dominant personality vanished deep into The Underground, leaving her body in a catatonic state. In an attempt to save her, Cliff entered Jane’s psyche and worked his way through The Underground to locate Jane at the Well, a dark part of her mind where the worst of her traumas lives. For fans of the Doom Patrol comics, they know that the worst of those traumas happens to be the horrific neglect and sexual abuse the “real” Jane, young Kay Challis, suffered at the hands of her father when she was a small child.
While it’s not clear exactly what “Jane Patrol” will reveal about Jane’s past or The Underground, based on the previously released preview the Well will come into play. Jane is seen speaking to one of her personalities, the three-in-one Weird Sisters, who tell her to go to the Well to replenish — a potentially devastating proposition. However the Well ends up factoring into things, the episode will at a minimum make for an intriguing exploration of Jane and her mental health concern, something that Diane Guerrero, who plays Jane, told ComicBook.com is something she loves that the show gets to work with.
“But I think that we’re looking to sort of like enter a world like this that makes us think a little bit,” she continued. “I love the characters because everyone is sort of grappling with a deep rooted issue that has nothing to do with one another and has nothing to do with their present status, it has to do with something they haven’t dealt with that has occurred to them in their past and I like dissecting the human brain, I think that’s the most challenging and I think that mental health is something we don’t talk enough about anywhere around the world, and in this country and I think that the show is just a big therapy session for all the characters and so the mind is beautiful, the mind is scary, I love that we get to dissect it on the show.”
Read on for images from “Jane Patrol”.
Doom Patrol airs on DC Universe with new episodes dropping every Friday.
Cliff breaks through

Penny Farthing



Driver 8

Other personalities

Cliff and Penny

A confrontation

Black Annis


Black Annis and Robotman