Supergirl returned from midseason hiatus tonight, and it showed the ramifications of “Crisis on Infinite Earths” in a pretty epic way. Now that Kara Danvers and her friends and family have been folded into Earth-Prime, the post-“Crisis” world certainly looks different, and has allowed for some major changes to take place. That was especially the case for Brainiac-5 (Jesse Rath), who got a pretty epic comic-accurate upgrade over the course of the episode. Spoilers for this week’s episode of Supergirl, “The Bottle Episode”, below! Only look if you want to know!
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The episode saw Earth-Prime’s Brainiac-5 accidentally run into another Brainiac-5 while picking up a breakfast order, which led to confusion when they both tried to arrest each other for the DEO. When they arrived, they were accosted by several other Brainys – an Emo Brainy, a female Brainy, and a Brainy with an eye patch, who proclaimed not to “open the bottle” before disappearing into dust.
As the Brainys soon realized, they were all sent through a wormhole at Al’s Bar as the Crisis was happening, and were all being killed off one-by-one thanks to the Anti-Life Equation. As they were trying to investigate what was Later on in the episode, Emo Brainy snuck into the DEO archives to grab a bottled version of his own universe, which Nia Nal/Dreamer (Nicole Maines) tried to stop him from opening. The other Brainys found out about this, and tried to find a way to stop Emo Brainy from making it happen.
Earth-Prime Brainy grew frustrated that he wasn’t able to tap into his full power, thanks to the dots on his forehead that were inhibiting him. As things grew dire with Emo Brainy, Earth-Prime Brainy realized it was necessary to remove the dots, regardless of whatever risk would follow. Nia helped remove the dots, and Brainy quickly transformed to green, and adopted a much more comfortable tone of voice.

After defeating Emo Brainy, Earth-Prime Brainy met with his other doppelgangers, who had decided to go to the “big machine” to feel closer to their erased worlds. As they did, they each gave Earth-Prime Brainy a blue dot for his costume.
That’s right. Years after Brainy first debuted (and courted controversy with his initial costume design), we’ve finally got a comic-accurate Brainiac-5. While that resulted in some major changes for Brainy in the episode’s final moments – including breaking up with Nia and forming a fake alliance with Lex Luthor (Jon Cryer) – it will be interesting to see what the future has in store for our now green-hued hero.
What do you think of Brainiac-5 getting a comic-accurate costume on Supergirl? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
Supergirl airs Sundays at 9/8c on The CW.