Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes to Appear on 'The Flash'

It sounds like fan-favorite director Kevin Smith will be stepping out from behind the camera in an [...]

It sounds like fan-favorite director Kevin Smith will be stepping out from behind the camera in an upcoming episode of The Flash.

On a recent episode of his Fatman on Batman podcast, Smith spoke a bit about his work in the upcoming seventeenth episode of the series, titled "Null and Annoyed". As Smith revealed, in addition to directing the episode, he and his frequent collaborator Jason Mewes will also have a small part in the episode.

"I guess I can spoil it here." Smith explained. "At one point, like you know, I did my first episode of Flash, and they asked Jason Mewes to be in the episode. He was up in Vancouver, so I was like 'He's always by my side, so he'll be there anyway, absolutely.' So this time around, there's a scene that had two security guards in it, and so the writers of the episode, Kristen and Lauren, asked me specifically. 'We're wondering, do you and Jay want to play the security guards?'"

But as it turns out, Smith was initially apprehensive to take the part, for a very specific reason.

"And honestly, I did not want to do it, because I knew it required that I wear pants." Smith revealed. "Like, there's only so far in the world that I can take [my usual] outfit, and believe me, I've stretched it to its limit. ...But I knew if I was playing a part, where I wasn't being me, I had to be the security guard. I couldn't be the security guard in jorts. They probably would cut that. So I knew I'd have to wear an outfit and sh*t, which included pants. So I was like 'Oh f*ck, I don't wanna do it.' But I knew if I said no, I'd never hear the end of it from [Jay]. Cause he'd go 'We had a chance to be on a f*cking Flash together, and you didn't f*cking take it!' So I said 'Alright, we'll do it.'"

Ultimately, the duo took on the role, which will apparently coincidentally mirror their work in the Jay and Silent Bob franchise.

"And they suited us up like security guards." Smith added. "And for the first time, I think since my father died, I wore dress pants. So we shot a scene, Jason and I, where we play two security guards in The Flash. And it's not Jay and Silent Bob, but Jason speaks and I don't. So there you go."

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW. "Null and Annoyed" does not currently have an official air date.

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