On Thursday morning, a new teaser trailer for Zack Snyder’s Justice League was released online. The promotional clip was centered around Batman (and even came with Batman emojis when used with a hashtag on Twitter!). With the new promo being dropped two weeks out from Zack Snyder’s Justice League hitting HBO Max, there will now be a series of similar promo materials centered around all six of the movie’s main characters. Zack Snyder answered questions on Vero, as he does, where he revealed that there a five more individual character promos coming before the film does.
Videos by ComicBook.com
To lay it out, this means Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash, and Cyborg will all have their time in the promotional train’s sun ahead of Zack Snyder’s Justice League. When Zack Snyder’s Justice League arrives, 4-hour epic will be broken up fittingly into six part. All six part will be made available at the same time as one movie. Part 1 is titled, “Don’t Count On It, Batman.” Part 2 is titled, “The Age of Heroes.” Part 3 is titled, “Beloved Mother, Beloved Son.” Part 4 is titled, “Change Machine.” Part 5 is titled, “All The King’s Horses.” Part 6 is titled, “Something Darker.”
A screenshot of Snyder’s exciting promise about the Justice League promotional materials coming up was shared to Reddit. See it in the post below.
Warner Bros. gave the Snyder the resources to flesh out his cut, including reshoots that adds Suicide Squad character Joker played by Jared Leto, though they are not expected to have added more than a few minutes to the cut. Snyder revealed during IGN Fan Fest 2021 that he always wanted to include Leto’s Joker in his film, as he is heard laughing in the video above.
“It really defines, in my mind, the mythological heart of the conflict that both of them share is their relationship,” said Snyder. “I think without a scene where they get to air their dirty laundry about each other, I felt like we were getting shortchanged as fans of the DC Universe. That was the hope, that we would get to see them come together but also, in particular, reflecting on each other and their struggle with each other and the why a little bit, so that was really fun for me.”
Are you excited for Zack Snyder’s Justice League? Share your thoughts in the comment section or send them my way on Instagram!
Zack Snyder’s Justice League hits HBO Max on March 18.