We’re addicted to loot, and we don’t care who knows it. Mostly it doesn’t matter because you guys are all addicted to loot too, and none of us can stop grinding for those sweet end-game gear sets in Injustice 2. Throughout the average course of play we unlock (as you have) plenty of level 20 gear that keeps us fighting to hit level 20 so we can actually put it on! All of this gear is more than any one person can actually equip in a normal healthy lifetime, but that’s why we have the internet.
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With our combined play times, we have collectively played enough Injustice 2 to see pretty much every single incredible level 20 gear set for every character. You guys have been sending in your sickest loadouts to NetherRealm Creative Director Ed Boon on Twitter, who’s been re-tweeting them to the wider world just to show us what we’ve been missing by not playing more Injustice 2.
You guys have abandoned your social lives to unlock this gear. Does it look dope? Yes. Was it worth it? …Yes. Last week we collected a bunch of level 20 gear sets and you guys loved seeing everyone’s custom loadouts, so we’re back at it. Here are more of our favorite epic gear sets equipped to more of our favorite characters. Consider this Atrocitus our first offering, though we all know Dex-Starr is the main attraction here. Is he spiky or fluffy? We can’t decide.
Keep scrolling to see them all.

We’re kicking things off with Batman, because Batman is pretty much theย Injustice intro character in all aspects. He’s a fan-favorite for beginners thanks to his button-mash-friendly combos, but veteran players love him for his speed and versatility. As you can see, maxing him out yields some of the coolest armor in the game.
Full-face helmet, minimalist bat-ears, layered pauldrons (we love layered armor), and some deadly looking arm-guards. This will do nicely. As always, the shader makes the big difference with this gear set. The black and red gives us a veryย Batman Beyond vibe, and that glowing belt buckle and canisters of… whatever the hell that is set this one off.

From father to son, we’re sticking with the red and black theme here with who I’m dubbing “Swat Team Robin.” This loadout is an interesting mix of old-school and tactical. Whille the cape, that low hood, and sword are remiscent of the assassin-trained Robin that we all know and love, he has a few upgrades here which are as practical as they are gnarly to look at.
I’m calling him Swat Team Robin mainly due to that chest piece which extends down below his belt. If it were solid black, it would look like a modern day military flak jacket. You can also see underneath his armor (if you look at his neck and chin) that he’s wearing some kind of techy body suit. While the hood looks nice, we’d love to see this exact loadout with a full helm of some kind — robo ninja!

I call this one the “white rider.” She doesn’t look a thing like Gandalf, but with this loadout Catwoman would look really great on her motorcycle. In this getup I don’t think I would ever meter-burn with Catwoman. I would save all of that precious meter to unleash supers so everyone could see my custom cat-thief speeding away on her motorcycle wearing that sleek helmet.
Youย know they designed that helmet with her bike in mind. How cool would it be if Catwoman’s motorcycle changed colors depending on the shader that you used in your loadout? I guess that’s asking for too much.

Whoops. We meant to include only images ofย Injustice 2 characters. We have no idea how this Gundam got in here. Oh wait… No, that’s Brainiac. He totally looks like a mech with this loadout, though. To be completely honest, this writer had no interest in playing Brainiac until I saw this specific loadout; I had no idea he could look so cool.
He looks like a total fortress with that wide frame and stacked metallic suit. His tentacles are also giving off this kind of warm, sunset, oil-colored glow in the center, and it’s hypnotic. We need more than a picture; we need to see this Brainiac in motion!

We have to hand it to the creative team and artists over at NetherRealm Studios. We didn’t think that Cheetah, Swamp Thing, or Poison Ivyย would have any kind of meaningful end-game gear because they already rock such a ‘natural’ look. We couldn’t imagine how metallic, futuristic suits of armor would possible work with any of these designs and, as it turns out, they don’t at all.
Cheetah has been a favorite of the Watchtower crew during their streams, so we’ve had the pleasure of seeing quite a few high-level gear sets for her that look similar to the one pictured above. They make her look like a total warrior queen, decorated in the strong bones of fierce animals she’s conquered and devoured. The blue bandana across her eyes does kind of make her look like a Ninja Turtle, though.

Can you tell that we’re total suckers for glowy things and full-face helmets? Firestorm as it all going on with this loadout. When I was a kid and I laid in bed at night trying to imagine what kind of powers I would use and armor I would wear when I had to save everybody from an evil villain (who in my daydreams would always choose to strike during a talent show), this is pretty much exactly what I wanted to look like.
Floating; dark; sleek; decked out in armor; glowing; in total control of the elements. This is the stuff that superhero daydreams are made of.
Hellbo… We mean Atrocitus

We had to sneak one more Atrocitus in here because this one looks so damn… evil. With a lot of high-level Atrocitus gear he tends to come out looking cool, or monstrous, or epic. This Atrocitus looks like rage incarnate, like the type of being who would rip your throat out as soon as look at you.
It’s definitely the aggressive shade of red that makes him look so dangerous. Even Dex-Starr comes off as intidating with this shader selection, and usually we just want to pat Dex-Starr. The shaved horns are also pretty fierce. This may be the closest we comeย to playing as Hellboy inย Injustice 2.
Blue Beetle

Whoops! Sorry again, we really meant to only include characters fromย Injustice 2 so we don’t know why Lord Zedd ended up in the… Oh. That’s Blue Beetle. Call us crazy, but with this loadout and shader selected Beetle looksย exactlyย like Lord Zedd fromย Power Rangers doesn’t he? I mean he has the fleshy, muscle-red base tone going on with the bone-strip plating from head to toe.ย
We’re pretty sure this isn’t armor at all, but a Lord Zedd cosplay getup. It looks great either way, and that helmet is killer.
Screw it, we’re throwing down. Who wore the bone-on-flesh armor suit better, Blue Beetle or Lord Zedd fromย Power Rangers? Cast your vote in the poll below.
Who wore it better?