The wait for the lastest in the unofficial SKT T1 skin line may soon be at an end. Yesterday Riot revealed a Youtube video that went into depth about the various skins and their production process. Near the end of the video it became clear that said process was all but complete, as they showed off in-client renders of all the new skins that we were expecting, and a couple that we were not. While we didn’t get to see a splash arts for the skins — creating the splash art is typically the last part of the skin production process — we saw more or less everything else, and it definitely was not what we were expecting.
Videos by ComicBook.com
In a break from tradition, this round of World’s skins won’t have the normal esports aesthetic that has always been associated with the skin line. Instead, the new skin line commemorates the legend of SKT T1 with a set of equally mythological skins, all of which have a distinctly epic theme to them. Gone are the headsets and jackets from the past World’s skins. In their place instead is an orange and gold armor and palette set that persists between all of the skins. The new Olaf, Jhin, and Ekko skins get the best of it, as all three are now completely decked out in gold trim armor that certainly does a good job of highlighting the “epicness” that the skin line was meant to convey.
In addition to revealing the look of the skins, the announcement also finally laid to rest any speculation about what champions would be getting skins at all. The biggest question was what champion Riot would choose to represent Faker. Well, anyone hoping for an SKT T1 Ahri or SKT T1 Viktor — a skin that would be the ultimate insult to Crown, Faker’s opponent in the Grand Finals who is widely accepted as the best Viktor player in the world — will be sorely disappointed. Instead, Riot and SKT T1 seem to have agreed on Syndra, a champion that all but defined the end of the 2016 competitive season and has continued to do so up until the present day. Interestingly, Faker never even played Syndra during the World Final — Crown, famously, didn’t play Syndra at the time, and Samsung Galaxy were forced to ban it every game — which proves once and for all the Riot’s old rule about only making skins for champions that were played during the World Finals is well and truly dead.
It also appears that SKT T1’s coach, Kkoma, is going to have to get a few more championships before he gets to have his SKT T1 Teemo skin, as Riot has once again declined his request for a skin. The six skins that will, hopefully, be available soon are SKT T1 Ekko, SKT T1 Zac, SKT T1 Olaf, SKT T1 Syndra, SKT T1 Jhin, and SKT T1 Nami. In addition, it appears that there will be a nod to Kkoma, just not in the form of a champion skin. Instead, this SKT T1 skin line will include an SKT T1 ward that looks suspiciously like a Yordle version of Kkoma with his notepad. It’s not Teemo, but it’s still a nice nod to the unequivocal best coach in League of Legends.
The new skin line will, hopefully, be available come patch 7.13.