From secret social spaces, to inventory clues into future events – Destiny 2 is on the roll lately despite it only being out for two weeks! Now that the Bungie sequel is out for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players, more and more players are beginning to report some of the less obvious aspects to the game and its surrounding lore. For those that have made it to the Tower, a secret room awaits that holds a hidden journal with clues regarding the sordid history within the game’s narrative.
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Bungie has already previously clued in players to some of the surrounding lore, including the Traveler’s history and the Collapse. But all of those moments in-between are still a little hazy, just waiting to be pieced together by gamers and their Guardians. All it took was two weeks, but the hidden gem of knowledge has been recovered in a super secret room among the Tower via a journal.
How to find the secret room in the Tower:
First, let’s get to the room. To begin, players need to turn left immediately after spawning in the Tower towards the Hangar. Once you cross the catwalk, head down the stairs go towards the blue hallway. Look for a huge, red “Hanger” marker on the left wall if you’re having trouble finding it. Once you make it to the blue light, look around – CAREFULLY.
Once in the hallway, look back to the catwalk and see if you can spot a welder. It takes a little bit, there are a lot of bars in the way that can kind of make it tricky to spot. Jump up onto the steel beams and shimmy up next to the welder. Once up, look forward until you find another welder, much like the one currently nearby. This one will also be hidden in a catwalk on the opposite side of the entrance.ย
To make it to the next welder, make a right turn and go up the metal stairs to the very top level. From there, simply follow the catwalk over to the second welder. From there, look across the Hangar to the the entrance. Above the entrance, you’ll be able to see another welder – mind the railway inbetween you and this third contact.
Swing a right and hop down the railing onto a set of pipes – you’ll see a patch of white light exactly where you need to aim for. Build up a sprint and head for corner right at the metal pipe (it’s HUGE, you can’t miss it). Using the momentum, glide down onto the other walkway, head up the stairs, crawl through some of the ductwork, and voila! Behold the secret room!ย
The secrets of Ana Bray:
Once in the room, there is a large table that holds a few key items – most importantly: the journal. You’ll see a goblet and some digital notepads as well, but the journal is where this gets interesting. Upon inspection, your Ghost will chime in about the journal’s owner and leads into a much bigger question:ย
“Looks like a journal: Ana Bray. But I can’t tell who – Pretty much the entire thing is redacted. And there are whole pages missing. Something about all this seems … wrong. Am I worrying too much.”
So who is Ana Bray and why should players care? Glad you asked, Guardian.ย
Ana Bray was a Guardian and to learn more about her, those secrets are hidden deep within the lore surrounding Destiny. The name Bray brings forth memories of Clovis Bray, a human who witnessed the Golden Age and founded the Mars incorporation. If you’ve playedย theย Rise of Ironย narrative, then you’re already familiar with his company. But his true legacy, that of Clovis Bray, lies within the creation of SIVA: a nanotechย that became a plague to those players that took part in Rise of Iron and within the Cosmodrome.
Where as Clovis had his downfalls and less than flattering historical light, the same cannot be said for Ana. She was a Guardian that became a legend in her own right when she defended the City during the Collapse. This Hunter fought valiantly, more so during the Battle of Twilight Gap. That place of battle became a focus point for the Fallen as they organised underneath the House of Kings leadership for a drastic push against the people. This very battle was the one to cement Ana’s title as hero, and later led to the a mounting victory for the Guardians.
Knowing her place within the lore ofย Destiny,ย the finding of her journal indicates a much bigger shift in the events following the victory at Twilight Gap.ย
When the battle first took place, it was led by Vanguard Commander Saladin Forge. During the attack, Saladin had two apprecentices accompanying him: Zavalaย (now the Titan Vanguard), and Shaxxย – the soldier who led the Guardians to victory because of his refusal to follow orders. The unapproved counterattack is what saved the city, but it didn’t come without risks – and those risks had lasting consequences.ย
Forย Destinyย players, it’s hard to miss the tumultuousย relationship between Shaxx, Zavala, and Saladin. Though Shaxx’s actions reaped great rewards, the risk was tremendous that carried a weighty consequence had it failed: the destruction of everything and everyone.ย
With Ana Bray being one of the few accredited during the battle, and now her journey being discovered with notable chunks of her writing missing, it’s interesting to see what those missing pages could possibly hold. Was there something “wrong” during the battle, like Ghost picked up on? Only time will tell on how this discovery will impact the game overall – perhaps a DLC nod? Or simple backstoryย knowledge. We’ll find out soon!
Destiny 2ย is available now for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, with a PC release set for October 24th.