The first look at League of Legends’ new cursor is here, and it’s as practical and clean as players might’ve expected.
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Towards the beginning of the month, Riot Games announced that the cursor would be updated soon, a piece of the game that’s remained entirely untouched for many years. Riot added in a more recent post that the cursor would be available for testing on the PBE early in June, but it was expected that everyone would get a first look at it before it was added to the test servers. That time’s now come with Riot Games sharing the images below that compare the new cursor to the old one.

“The classic cursor can sometimes get lost against the background, because its brown and yellow colors are pretty close to a lot of parts of Summoner’s Rift and its rounded, busier shape can be hard to pick out,” Riot BadTofu said on the League of Legends boards. “We’re hoping the new version is brighter and cleaner, making it easier to see throughout the game.”
While the cursor would previously change colors from the bronze gauntlet to a blue one or a red sword while hovering over a teammate or ally, the color will now be indicated on the small dot beneath the actual arrow. Hovering over an enemy will cause it to turn red while the ward-placing cursor will instead take on a more target-like shape.
A scaling option will also be added for the new cursor. We’ll imagine that most players will probably try and make it as small as possible to show more of the screen, but you’ll have the option to make it bigger or smaller regardless.
“To make it even easier for players to always find the cursor, we’ve also added the ability to scale the size up and down – good news for anyone using a 4K monitor!” Riot said.
There’s also been the question of what would happen to the old cursor, the bronze gauntlet that’s stuck with players for so many years. If you’re yearning for the previous version when this new cursor ships in a few patches, there will be a “Legacy Cursor” toggle option to switch back. That option won’t be visible when the new cursor hits the PBE later today though so that Riot can get as much info and feedback on the new version as possible.
The new cursor will be on PBE later today but will soon be removed before reappearing during the Patch 8.13 cycle.