
‘Pokemon Sword and Shield’ Starters Revealed

The Pokemon Company have revealed the first three Pokemon from their upcoming Pokemon Sword and […]

The Pokemon Company have revealed the first three Pokemon from their upcoming Pokemon Sword and Shield games.

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Earlier today, the Pokemon Company and Nintendo announced Pokemon Sword and Shield, a new pair of Pokemon games being released for the Nintendo Switch. The new games are set in the brand new Galar region, an area that appears to be based on England.

As is customary for recent Pokemon games, the Pokemon Company started their announcements with the reveal of the three Starter Pokemon that players will get to choose to begin their Pokemon journeys. The three Pokemon are the Grass-type Pokemon Grookey, which is a mischevious monkey-like Pokemon, the Fire-type Pokemon Scorbunny, which is a rabbit-like Pokemon that leaves burning footprints as it runs, and Sobble, a Water-type Pokemon that appears to be able to turn itself invisible and is generally timid.

You can check out all three Pokemon below:

Although all three Pokemon seemed to be well received by Pokemon fans, Scorbunny is currently holding a slight lead in a pop up poll conducted on the Pokemon Twitter account.

Which is your favorite of the three new Pokemon? Let us know in the comment sections or shoot me a message at @CHofferCbus on Twitter!


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