
Free PlayStation Plus Games for March Appear to Have Leaked

The free PlayStation Plus games subscribers will get in March have apparently leaked ahead of […]

The free PlayStation Plus games subscribers will get in March have apparently leaked ahead of schedule if one ad said to be from a Polish site is to be believed. An ad which appears to have gone up early showed Shadow of the Colossus and Sonic Forces to be the two PlayStation games available next month, each of them set to be available on March 3rd. The free games from February’s PlayStation Plus selection are scheduled to be available until March 2nd for those in North America, according to the previous announcement, which lines up with the timeframe in the ad.

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The site where one Redditor spotted the ad wasn’t named, but the user did share a screenshot of that ad within the PlayStation Plus subreddit to give users a heads up regarding what the free games this month might be. The ad showed the what’s supposed to be next month’s free games beside the ones that are currently being offered this month. It was soon shared in other subreddits as well before making the rounds on social media.

If the leak is accurate โ€“ and these leaks that originate from ads gone up too early typically are โ€“ March has a decent selection for anyone subscribed to the PlayStation service. This version of Shadow of the Colossus is the remake created by Bluepoint Games, the studio that’s currently working on another remake it’s been teasing. Shadow of the Colossus was a huge success on the PlayStation 2 and again when it was remastered for the PlayStation 3 with similar results seen when it was eventually brought to the PlayStation 4.

“Rebuilt from the ground up by Bluepoint Games and Japan Studio, Shadow of the Colossus on PlayStation 4 system introduces the awe of its unforgettable world and towering creatures to a new generation of gamers, while allowing long time fans to revisit the beloved masterpiece with unparalleled visual fidelity and improved performance,” an overview of the game reads.

Sonic Forces isn’t quite as beloved as Shadow of the Colossus with a user score on Metacritic of around 6.8 depending on the platform you’re looking at, but it makes sense as one of March’s free PlayStation games. Sonic the Hedgehog has done exceptionally well in theaters, so offering this free game now would be an easy way to capitalize on that.

March’s free Games with Gold for Xbox One users have already been announced, so expect to see Sony follow that up soon with a PlayStation Plus announcement to confirm whether this leak is accurate or not.