Steam Makes Popular Sega Game Free for Limited Time

07/24/2023 02:59 pm EDT

A popular RPG from video game publisher Sega is now completely free to own permanently on Steam. From time to time, Valve's digital PC marketplace makes various titles free to own in perpetuity. And while these free giveaways are often pretty random, the latest such offer on Steam happens to see a title from Sega that launched back in 2014 becoming available for an undisclosed period of time. 

As of today, Dungeon of the Endless has seen its price cut from $11.99 to $0 on Steam. Developed by Amplitude Studios, Dungeon of the Endless is a roguelike dungeon crawler that has since seen a number of expansions roll out following its original release. Although this game is likely a bit lesser known for many Steam users, it's worth noting that DotE has been very well-received by those that have played it. Specifically, the game boasts an impressive "Very Positive" rating on Steam from users. As such, if you've never played this for yourself, you may as well download it and give it a shot for yourself since there are no real drawbacks in doing so. 

To learn more about Dungeon of the Endless, you can check out a trailer and official description for the game down below. 

"Dungeon of the Endless is a Rogue-Like Dungeon-Defense game, in which the player and their team of heroes must protect the generator of their crashed ship while exploring an ever-expanding dungeon, all while facing waves of monsters and special events as they try to find their way out."

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