American McGee’s Alice franchise took the beloved Alice in Wonderland series and turned it into a horrifying nightmare that fans couldn’t get enough of. Though the mechanics were criticized for being stilted, the game as a whole was praised for its immersive narrative and unique twist to a well-known tale. Back in September we reported that there was definitive interest in continuing the game but the proposal needs to be approved by EA before it can go any further. That’s where you come in.
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The most recent update came via Steam and encouraged those interested to spread the word to show the publisher that there is significant interest in seeing the fruition of Alice 3. They even asked for cosplayers to use their craft to promote the franchise and submit them to the below socials in order to get the community hyped again! All of the information below is how you can stay in the know, in addition to our updates here, to see whether or not EA gives the final greenlight! This project has been a long time in the making, let’s make it happen!
The first update introduced the goal and showed interested fans how they can help:
Fresh off the success of “Out of the Woods” on Kickstarter, American McGee starts work on a proposal for the next video game chapter in Alice’s adventures, tentatively titled “Alice: Asylum.” This proposal will include artwork, design outline, and a financial/business model. When this proposal to independently license, fund, and develop a new Alice game is finished (and assuming all the numbers and constraints make sense) it’ll be submitted for approval.
Show your support for this effort in 4 easy steps:
1. Sign the mailing list!
Let’s show how many people want a new Alice game! Because your support matters! Provide your email address and name to be added to the Alice: Asylum fan list. We promise not to spam you with unrelated emails. Be sure to click the link in the verification email to complete the sign-up.
2. Follow American on Social Media!
Follow American on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook for updates on project development. Join the weekly live-streams on YouTube to give direct feedback and suggestions to American and the pre-production team!
3. Support “Asylum” Pre-Production via Patreon!
American is sharing pre-production art, design, and planning via his Patreon Page. You can support these efforts and get directly involved in the feedback process by becoming a Patron for as little as $1 per month.
4. Purchase American’s official merchandise at his online shop!