'Anthem' Players Organize Boycott to Protest Loot Changes

Some Anthem players have proposed a new strategy to make their thoughts on the game’s loot [...]

Some Anthem players have proposed a new strategy to make their thoughts on the game's loot system known: stop playing, at least for a week.

BioWare's been responding to players' feedback about the loot drops – the head of live service even said the studio wasn't happy with the game's loot behavior yet. Though the community and BioWare have been conversing about the state of Anthem's loot which many players agree could be better, those who frequent the game's active subreddit are organizing a five-day blackout to show BioWare what players think "by sheer player numbers alone."

"Get your point across, simple as that," the body of a highly-upvoted post within the game's subreddit reads. "Stop Playing the game for a whole Week (Hopefully with the support of the entire Subreddit) to show BioWare that all it'd take for us to really enjoy the game, is to receive loot."

The protest is supposed to be in effect now and is scheduled to last until March 15th, a relatively quick turnaround for a call to action that's not even a day old yet. A request to BioWare in the title asks the developer to "Bring back the Bug" which appears to be a reference to a bug that upped the loot drop chances for Masterwork and Legendary items. The bug occurred after a patch recently rolled out which was the second time that issue happened. Both times, players' excitement about the shower of loot turned to disappointment when BioWare fixed the bugs and returned loot drops to their intended states. The corporate vice president of Xbox even joked about how long it takes to get the game's coveted high-tier loot.

Whether the protest will actually be effective or not remains to be seen. The post currently sits at over 9,000 upvotes near the top of the subreddit and has received multiple Reddit Silvers, Golds, and Platinums, all of those being premium ways to say "I agree with this." However, there are around 193,000 subscribers to the subreddit, so 9,000 supporters is a paltry portion of the players that frequent the forum. BioWare's pretty active in the Anthem's corner of Reddit though, so even if players don't actually follow through and can't bring themselves to ditch Anthem for a few days, the devs are undoubtedly aware of the post by now.


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