
‘Anthem’ Xbox One Server Issues Reported, EA Responds

For those that have the Origin Premier service, BioWare’s newest IP Anthem has come a bit early! […]

For those that have the Origin Premier service, BioWare’s newest IP Anthem has come a bit early! With the servers having gone live earlier today, some players are reporting that they are having trouble connecting to the game primarily on the Xbox One platform.

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“Hello, Freelancers,” begins the above Tweet. “We understand some of you are having issues connecting to [Anthem] servers right now and we’re working to address it as fast as we can. Please hang with us and try again in a few minutes.”

From the looks of it, it might be a simple fix if they plan to have a successful update within minutes. If you’re one of the players experiencing some of these issues, you can at least get that Javelin love in still on the downtime with this incredible live-action short seen here by District 9’s Neill Blomkamp.

As for the game itself, Anthem makes its grand debut on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on February 22nd for those that don’t have the subscription service for Xbox One and PC. Unfortunately, PlayStation 4 players don’t have access to the same service, so all PS4 fans will have to wait until the 22nd.

We recently had a chance to play even more of the game and interview the team over at BioWare, while getting a chance to check out the endgame content and some of the story missions not available in the demo. You can check out our full thoughts with our coverage here, including the parts about the story players haven’t been able to see yet and those characters we connected to the most!

Troubles aside – which is nothing new for launch day online games – are you excited to dive into BioWare’s new IP? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy!