Apex Legends Legacy Patch Notes Reveal Character and Weapon Balance Changes

The new patch notes for Apex Legends’ next season have been revealed, a moment every player [...]

The new patch notes for Apex Legends' next season have been revealed, a moment every player waits for to see how their favorite characters will be affected by the start of the new season. Legends themselves have been altered as well as some of the weapons players use most often. Of course, there's also a totally new weapon as well as another Legend being added next season, so players might soon have new favorites especially after they read through the patch notes.

Patch notes for Apex Legends and particularly those for seasonal updates are usually pretty lengthy with quality of life fixes, bugfixes, and other changes wrapped around the balance changes for weapons and Legends. Notes from the developers also provide context on why specific changes were made, though if you've been following along with discussions prior to the release of the patch notes, you'll already be expecting some of these changes.

You can read through the full patch notes here, but if you just want the highlights of what's happening to Legends and weapons alone as far as balance goes, you can see the notes for both of those categories below.

Legend Updates

Low Profile Characters

  • Low profile no longer exists! This trait has been removed from Wraith, Lifeline, and Wattson.


  • Combat Revive: No longer deploys a shield. Can now revive two players at the same time. Can now cancel active revives in progress to allow your teammate to defend themselves with their knockdown shield.
  • O.C. Heal Drone: Heal rate increased from 5hp per second to 8hp per second. Deployment time before healing begins reduced by roughly 33%.
  • Care Package: Cooldown reduced from 6 minutes to 5 minutes. Now guarantees an upgrade (if possible) in three categories: Body Shield, Other Equipment (Helmet, Backpack, and Knockdown Shield), and Weapon Attachment, based on your team's current gear when the Package arrives.


  • Stim: Reduced cooldown between stims from 4s to 1s. Increased health cost from 12hp to 20hp.
  • Increased bullet spread while in the air and shooting from the low Launch Pad trajectory.


  • Burglar's Best Friend: Can now run and slide at full speed while aiming the bracelet and while the bracelet is in the air. Loba will no longer be slowed after translocating.
  • Fixed a lot of bugs that caused bracelet tosses to fail.


  • Gravity Lift: Reduced lift speed by 30%. Reduced side-to-side acceleration. Limited the time you can sit at the top of Gravity Lift to 2 seconds. Increased cooldown from 15s to 20s.
  • Horizon's abilities will now get zapped by Wattson pylons.


  • Knuckle Cluster: Fuse now has two stacks of Knuckle Cluster. Reduced cooldown from 25s to 20s.


  • No longer receives assists from Eye of the Allfather.


  • Crypto's drone can now scan and open care packages.
  • Can no longer use his drone to "hijack" a respawn beacon that's already in use.

Weapon Updates

Marksman Weapon Category

  • G7 Scout, 30-30 Repeater, Triple Take, and Bocek now classified as "Marksman" weapons
  • Movement speed increased for Marksman weapons when aiming down sights, now somewhere between Assault and Sniper weapons.

Supply Drop Rotations

  • Peacekeeper removed, Triple Take added.
  • Kraber spawns less in early game, more in mid-game.
  • Triple Take spawns more early game.
  • Prowler spawns more late game.

Fully Kitted Rotation

  • Added: Wingman, Bocek, R99, Hemlock, and Sentinel
  • Removed: R301, 30-30 Repeater, Mozambique, Longbow DMR, and Spitfire

Hop Ups

  • Shatter Caps - Fire select to toggle between standard mode and shatter mode. In shatter mode, rounds split into a blast pattern on firing. This hop up will be equipable to the 30-30 Repeater and the Bocek.
  • Deadeye's Tempo - Firing at the perfect moment increases fire rate. This can currently be attached to the Sentinel and the Bocek.
  • To make room, the Hammerpoint and Skullpiercer hop ups are being vaulted for now, and won't be available.

Assault Rifles

  • Reducing the headshot multiplier for all assault rifles from 2.0 to 1.75


  • It comes with the Precision Choke by default, which can be toggled off
  • Pellet damage reduced from 10 to 9
  • Rechamber time increased from 0.9 seconds to 1.1 seconds
  • Reload times increased (regular from 2.45 to 2.5, empty from 3.35 to 3.5)
  • Pellet spread increased in general, and spread when charged increased for all charge levels (from 0.65/0.45/0.2 to 0.85/0.65/0.35)
  • Quickly loses charge after leaving ADS

Triple Take

  • As a crate weapon, it will come with a 9 ammo clip and 63 reserve ammo
  • Fire rate increased from 1.2 to 1.3
  • Time to full charge reduced from 1.1 seconds to 1 second
  • Retains charge briefly after leaving ADS
  • Move-speed while aiming down sights has been increased to match other marksman weapons -- faster than snipers, slower than ARs
  • Increased spread while airborne and aiming down sights


  • Increased recoil controllability early in the pattern


  • Reduced recoil controllability early in the pattern

30-30 Repeater

  • Increased leg damage multiplier from 0.75 to 0.85
  • Move-speed while aiming down sights has been increased to match other marksman weapons -- faster than snipers, slower than Ars

G7 Scout

  • Move-speed while aiming down sights has been increased to match other marksman weapons -- faster than snipers, slower than ARs
  • Increased hipfire spread size (reduced accuracy) to be more in line with other marksman weapons


  • Increased headshot multiplier from 2.0 to 2.15



  • Moved the lower 2 pellets inward in the blast pattern


  • Increased bullet damage from 15 to 18
  • Lowered fire rate from 8.5 to 6.25

Arc Stars

  • Aim and movement slow removed from the initial stick.