Army of the Dead Zombicide Game Finally Gets a Release Date

The board game, based on the Army of the Dead Zack Snyder movie, will be released nearly 3 years after its announcement.

The long-lost Army of the Dead board game will finally hit retail, nearly three years after its initial announcement. CMON has quietly confirmed that it will release Army of the Dead – A Zombicide Game at retail stores next month. The game, based on the 2021 movie directed by Zack Snyder and released on Netflix, was initially announced back in July 2021 shortly after the movie's release. However, CMON went quiet about the game after the movie failed to be the pop culture hit Netflix expected. CMON confirmed that it was still planning on making the game last year, but provided no other details until this week's announcement.

As its name suggests, Army of the Dead will utilize CMON's Zombicide game engine, with players attempting to achieve objectives while combatting a never-ending horde of zombies. It's unclear whether the game will feature any unique mechanics or twists or if this will just be a new Zombicide game that happens to be set in Las Vegas. 

The Zombicide franchise has proven to be one of CMON's most profitable hits. In addition to a core Zombicide game and a fantasy-themed Black Plague variant, the game franchise has also expanded to include standalone crossover boxes featuring characters from franchises like Supernatural and Thundercats, as well as themed variants based around both Marvel Zombies and DCeased. The latter games are notable in that they utilize classic superheroes and supervillains as both Survivor characters controlled by the players and as special zombies with powers and objectives that appear during missions. 

Army of the Dead – A Zombicide Game will be released on July 19th at game stores. The game will have a retail price of $109.99 and will support 1 to 6 players.