Assassin's Creed and Watch_Dogs Are Set in the Same World, Image Confirms

Trust us, we know - the idea that Assassin's Creed Origins and Watch_Dogs are set in the same [...]

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Trust us, we know - the idea that Assassin's Creed Origins and Watch_Dogs are set in the same universe does sound extremely far-fetched at first glance. The stunningly expansive world of ancient Egypt doesn't exactly fall in-line with the high-tech one of the Watch_Dogs universe. However, a new image confirms that the two titles do in fact have more in common than many realised. You still with us?

Now the theory that ever the two shall meet is nothing new, though it has mostly been blind speculation. Ubisoft themselves has even dipped their toes into the conspiracy pot to toy with our emotions in a way that just isn't fair. They're also known for an insane amount of easter eggs in their games referencing other titles under their umbrella.

One such crossover was brought into the spotlight by the team over at Eurogamer between Assassin's Creed Black Flag and the first Watch_Dogs title. Black Flag's Oliver Garneau was a recognizable character in the game's present day storyline and in the game, he travels to Chicago. Chicago being the place where Watch_Dogs 1 is set. Players quickly noted that Garneau was one of the characters that can be targeted in a side-mission ... hi, Garneau!

Ubisoft brushed it off as a simple joke, but now they are finally starting to drop the coy act and admit that we aren't all just collectively crazy (at least not about this).

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(Photo: Assassin's Creed Origins via Eurogamer)

The above mentioned crossover has officially been confirmed by one simple image (seen above) - an image showcasing a screenshot of Garneau in Watch_Dogs. This image can be found on the latptop in the Origins' modern-day setting. There are tons of files to go through, including adorable images of the younger protagonist, so it could easily be missed. Once spotted though, it's hard to ignore. The killer of Garneau, the confirmed Abstergo employee, in the file found in Origins? You ... well, you as Aiden Pearce from Watch_Dogs.

"I'll admit," the screenshot reveals, "It's hard to know what's going on in this scene. From what I could tell from the CCTV footage, the latest matched Olivier Garneau's car rental. And it does look like him but, well, that's not his best angle, to say the least. It's all speculation, of course, because the official version is that he never made it to Chicago. But I know otherwise ..."

The entire file is dedicated to employees of Abstergo, so this little nod is a fun one for those that have been impressively dedicated to finding all of the hidden easter eggs in games as expansive as Origins. One mystery solved, now onto the million other ones!