Beyond Good and Evil 2 Report Offers Troubling News on Game

Beyond Good and Evil 2 may be in trouble according to multiple new reports. After years of waiting, Ubisoft confirmed it was making Beyond Good and Evil 2. This wasn't just a simple title card either, Ubisoft showed gameplay for the game and ended up promising a program where players could playtest the game throughout its development. With that said, there hasn't been any substantial developments in several years, leading players to be concerned with the status of the game. Although Ubisoft has promised that Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still very much happening, a new report suggests that it is struggling within Ubisoft.

According to a new report from Kotaku about Ubisoft preparing for a potential acquisition, Beyond Good and Evil 2 is bleeding money and has been "MIA for years", seemingly referencing its disappearance from the public eye. Tom Henderson also responded to someone inquiring about the game and posted a gif of someone standing in a pile of trash bags. It doesn't seem like it's dead, so much as experiencing severe issues. There were rumblings that suggested Beyond Good and Evil 2 was nearing a point where it could be canceled by Ubisoft, but a Bloomberg report earlier this year confirmed it's still in the works. Unfortunately, that same report noted the game was in pre-production, which is extremely early in development for a game that was announced six years ago. Ubisoft is expected to have a summer event this year, so it's possible the game will re-emerge then, but nothing has been confirmed.

With many being really excited for a new Beyond Good and Evil, this news may come as disappointing. This is a game many have waited nearly 20 years for and it may be more upsetting to know that it could be on the chopping block versus it just having never been announced at all. The game looked to be pretty ambitious, so it's not surprising to hear it isn't going super smoothly, but given the size of Ubisoft, one might hope they could pull it off.

Do you think Beyond Good and Evil 2 will ever see the light of day? Let us know in the comments below or hit me up on Twitter @Cade_Onder.