Beyond Good and Evil 2 Reportedly Isn't Dead; Playtests Begin

The fabled Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still alive, much to the surprise of gamers everywhere. A sequel to Beyond Good and Evil has been one of the most in-demand things in the gaming industry for decades. Ubisoft finally announced it in 2017 at E3, but at the time, it was believed to be in very early development and the publisher would later go on to talk about how massive it would be. The stage was set for it to be something quite impressive, but it began to fade away as Ubisoft gave it less and less time, only acknowledging it in the occasional investor call. A recent report stated the game was bleeding money and seemed to be in development hell, which caused concern amongst fans.

After a long period of silence, reputable insider Tom Henderson wrote in a report for eXputer that the game is not dead. During a recent investors Q&A, Beyond Good and Evil 2 was named by Ubisoft when talking about upcoming games which means it's still on the slate. Henderson went on to note that sources have stated the game has begun external playtesting, which, at least in the case of Ubisoft, means the game may be closer to releasing than not. While that isn't a certainty, Ubisoft outsources some of its playtests to get a lot of players for feedback and to stress test certain areas of the game. In the past, these playtests have been done roughly a year before launch. 

Nevertheless, Henderson's report says it's unclear how far away the game is, but it's good to hear there is some kind of notable activity happening with the game. As of right now, we'll have to wait and see how it turns out. The game has had a troubled development and it wouldn't be surprising if it has changed its shape since the last time we saw it. Ubisoft will hold an event in September and it may include a new look at Beyond Good and Evil 2.

Are you excited for Beyond Good and Evil 2? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @Cade_Onder.