Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s multiplayer component has some critical changes that set it apart from Black Ops 3.
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Amid the many trailers that were released today for Black Ops 4 that included a battle royale mode, a major twist on the recurring Zombies mode, and, of course, the multiplayer trailer above, Treyarch spoke about many of the multiplayer features that players might’ve picked up on in the trailer. Some of the biggest reveals came not in the form of new features though, but by way of what’s been removed from previous games as well. Those who were hoping that Black Ops 4 would nix some of the more acrobatic maneuvers will be happy to hear that Treyarch does indeed to be returning to the “boots on the ground” gameplay that many have requested leading up to this new game.
More details about the various mechanics will likely keep coming out as Treyarch shares more info, but for now, here are some of the biggest changes coming to Black Ops 4’s multiplayer.
No Wall Running or Thrust Jumps
“Can you thrust jump?
— Call of Duty (@CallofDuty) May 17, 2018
Can you wall run?
Can you confirm we are 100% boots on the ground?
YES.” #BlackOps4
Maintaining the “boots on the ground” promise, Treyarch has nixed the wall running mechanic that was present before. This means that players will no longer be dashing along the walls to get to their opponents and will instead have to move around the map by more traditional ways both on foot and in the water.
Similarly, there won’t be any more thrust jumps either to propel players through the air. You’ll still be able to slide around the map to get behind cover quickly and evade a firefight, but movement will be centered much more around the human characters and less around advanced tech that allows them to traverse the map with ease. Treyarch discussed the change during the reveal while saying that a “more grounded, tactical experience can happen without slowing down the player” (via IGN).
No Automatic Healing
“We’re delivering more narrative and character depth in Multiplayer than ever before.” #BlackOps4
— Call of Duty (@CallofDuty) May 17, 2018
Healing is one of the biggest parts of every Call of Duty game, a mechanic that players anxiously await to learn more about each time a new game is announced. As for the healing in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, automatic health regeneration is out the door in favor of a manual healing process.
In the new Call of Duty game, should you take damage and need to heal up, you’ll need to find cover to do so while avoiding additional enemy fire. A button will have to be pressed manually to regenerate health, but only until you are hurt again. Taking any damage during the healing process will cause the healing to be paused, so you’ll have to either remove nearby threats or get to safety to heal uninterrupted.
Treyarch also revealed that there will be a specialist named Crash who will act as a support character who can heal teammates, so it’ll always be worthwhile having Crash on your team.
Weapon Specific Attachments
“#BlackOps4 represents our most ambitious Multiplayer to date and delivers…
— Call of Duty (@CallofDuty) May 17, 2018
Grounded combat.
Tight gunplay.
An authentic military feel.
Fluid and responsive controls.
All wrapped in the most refined tactical team experience that we’ve ever delivered.”
Movement and healing mechanics aside, another huge changes that’s included is that each gun has its own set of unique attachments. This means that while players may see guns return that resemble guns they’ve used before in past Call of Duty games, you’ll be able to customize your loadouts like never before with unique effects on each weapon.
This is a critical change from past games where you’d find the same weapon attachments available for nearly any weapon regardless of what the individual weapon was or what class it belonged to. Treyarch also added that the weapons’ unique abilities will hinge on which Specialist players choose to play as.
Fog of War
“@Treyarch has never shied away from introducing something new or unexpected to Call of Duty and breaking with convention, and that tradition continues.” #BlackOps4
— Call of Duty (@CallofDuty) May 17, 2018
A new level of situational awareness will also be required in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 now that your mini-map will be shrouded in a fog of war that only reveals a small area at a time.
This new feature makes it so that only an immediate area around players will be revealed at any given moment on the mini-map. Enemy gunfire and other actions will still cause them to show up on the mini-map, but you won’t be able to see the entire layout constantly like you would in previous Call of Duty games. Certain Specialists and equipment will allow for more of the map to be revealed while penetrating the fog of war.