Call of Duty: Vanguard Crashing Problems Being Investigated by Sledgehammer Games

Over the course of the past day, Call of Duty: Vanguard has been experiencing a number of random crashes for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC platforms. Numerous fans have since taken to social media to ask developer Sledgehammer Games to look into the problem. And while the studio behind the latest Call of Duty installment hasn't learned what this error is being caused by just yet, those working at the company are starting to investigate the issue.

On social media this afternoon, Sledgehammer Games informed players that it has heard their complaints when it comes to these crashing issues in Call of Duty: Vanguard. "We're investigating widespread crashing issues in Vanguard," the studio said simply via its official Twitter account. Sledgehammer informed fans that it would provide an update in the future once it learns more about the specifics surrounding this problem. At this point in time, though, the studio hasn't explained what the problem might be associated with. 

In the interim, the one thing that the studio has done is disable the ongoing Secrets of the Pacific event in Call of Duty: Vanguard while it looks into this widespread error. Sledgehammer didn't say specifically whether or not Secrets of the Pacific is what is causing these crashes in the first place, but it clearly felt the need to disable the event for the time being while it continues to look for a solution. 

As a whole, this is surely a problem that those working on Call of Duty: Vanguard are going to look to fix very quickly. With tomorrow being a holiday in the United States, many players will surely be looking to spend their time off by diving into Vanguard with their friends. As such, Sledgehammer will surely look to fix this issue much sooner rather than later.

Has your own version of Call of Duty: Vanguard been regularly crashing for you over the past day? And if so, have you found a fix for the problem just yet? Let me know about your own experience either down in the comments or shoot me a message on Twitter at @MooreMan12.