Cappy Can’t Be Trusted, As He Can Apparently Kill Mario In Super Mario Odyssey

See, this is the problem with making friends in video games. You think you can entrust them [...]


See, this is the problem with making friends in video games. You think you can entrust them completely, but then they do something rash, and all of a sudden, you're screwed.

And we don't necessarily mean just in certain co-op sessions online. We've actually seen it with Cappy, Mario's newfound hat friend in Super Mario Odyssey. He lends a hand when necessary over the course of the adventure, capturing certain enemies so Mario can make use of their abilities. But a new video has surfaced that shows just how sinister he is.

Okay, so he isn't really, but a neat little glitch asks the question, "What would Cappy do if Mario were dead?" Turns out, quite a bit. A Twitter user by the name of DefinitivNichtSascha recently uncovered a glitch where Mario bites the dust and Cappy continues on his merry little way.

Here's how it works, as you can see in the embedded video below. You need to set up a two-player game, in which Cappy is controlled by the second player, while Mario is controlled by the first. After that, you need to find a Piranha Plant that you can capture, like in the Wooded Kingdom and Luncheon Kingdom worlds.

From there, you need to throw a rock at the Piranha so that it's stuffed in the mouth. Now, when you do that, throw Cappy at it. As a result, Mario will mysteriously vanish (because he normally would be able to stomp the plant while it munches on Cappy) and Cappy will be the main character.

It's a glitch that's fairly easy to replicate, but if you feel like all hope is lost without Mario is around, you can simply make your way back to the nearest checkpoint and bring him back. Relax, it's not permanent. Though Cappy will always remember.

It's unknown if Nintendo will fix this glitch, but it'd be neat to see how many people can pull off his trick – and, more importantly, how far they'll be able to get in the game with just Cappy. But, hey, it's not called Super Cappy Odyssey, now is it?

And why do we feel the urge to say, "Oh, my God, Cappy killed Mario." (And then the obvious, "You bastard!")

Super Mario Odyssey is available now for Nintendo Switch.