Civilization 7 had a bumpy launch into Advanced Access, with player feedback prompting two additional updates before the game’s full release. The game came out for players across all platforms on February 11th with some of the biggest complaints already patched. Now, fans outside the Advanced Access group have had some time to experience Civilization 7 for themselves. And despite Firaxis Games’ efforts to address UI concerns during Early Access, players have a few features they’d like to see fixed as soon as possible.
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Many of the early negative responses to Civilization 7 centered on the UI, citing the difficulty of navigating the game. Others complained of plain-old mistakes and glitches that left the game feeling earlier in development than expected. After two Early Access patches, Firaxis has addressed some of these issues. However, there are still additional fixes to come, as Firaxis Games themselves acknowledged in their statement about the negative day one Steam reviews. As more fans jump into the game, they continue to share notes and grievances about what makes the UI in Civilization 7 so frustrating.
When on Redditor jumped into the Civ subreddit to share a complaint, others were quick to join in. Many issues related to basic in-game notifications and processes not being clear, making it tough to keep track of the massive empire players are building.
Players Want More Clarity on Building & Units in Civilization 7
As the initial post reports, players are frustrated by the lack of clear notification about recently completed builds when coming back to a city. When trying to keep track of various upgrades and changes, some type of notification or clear indication of what’s recently been finished would help players keep up with things. This hasn’t been an issue in previous Civilization 7 games, but it’s certainly been frustrating players this time around. It’s particularly annoying when working towards completion bonuses for building several buildings in one district, as the current UI makes it almost impossible to track your progress.
Another issue when adding new buildings is related to the production menu itself. Because the menu boots you out after placing a building, it’s difficult to line up a series of unique buildings within a district. Without being able to do this easily, players can wind up realizing that they aren’t able to place a second building where they wanted to.

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And speaking of building things, another common frustration is lack of clarity about what Wonders do. In Civilization games, building different Wonders of the World typically provides various bonuses. However, players are finding it tricky to determine what their Wonders actually do, leading them to Google to figure out the benefits rather than easily finding them in game.
In addition to the lack of clarity around when builds are finished and what they do, players would also like to see clearer notifications about what’s going on on the battlefield. As one player notes, it’s hard to tell when dispatched units are being devastated on the battlefield, making it hard to intervene or plan accordingly. Previous Civilization games have used action logs to help keep track of when units need attention, and players want to see something of the sort return to Civilization 7 in an upcoming patch.
While many fans are enjoying the game overall, it’s minor details like this can add up to a major impact on the overall gameplay experience. Firaxis has taken early feedback into account so far, so fans are hoping to see many of these features adjusted in future updates. For now, players are working to keep track of their buildings and units through their own creative solutions or mods.
What features do you think need to be added to Civilization 7? Let us know in the comments!