Cyberpunk 2077 Devs "Would Love to Support" Mods, Focused On Launching the Game First

With the festivities of E3 2019 set to begin in just two weeks, many gamers are hoping to receive [...]

With the festivities of E3 2019 set to begin in just two weeks, many gamers are hoping to receive updates on the projects that they are anticipating. One such title that has been in development for some time is CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk 2077, which will be showcased at the upcoming event. Fans are certainly hoping to learn the release date during this time, but before that happens, the devs have been touching on little details to give people a better picture of what is to come. Speaking of which, global community lead Marcin Momot recently touched on mod support, and while it isn't what fans are hoping to hear, there is still a bit of hope.

Taking to the official CD Projekt RED forums, Momot confirmed that there are no plans to currently share regarding support for the modding community. He does note that they "would love to" provide support, but their main focus at this point in time is just making sure the game actually gets launched.

"I wanted to elaborate on this topic and on that answer in particular," he said. "We have no plans to share at the moment. Obviously, we would love to support the modding community in the future, but for the time being we want to focus on releasing the game first. Hopefully, this clears things up a bit."

It's surely unfortunate for those that are looking to hopefully jump into the modded action upon the release of Cyberpunk 2077, especially since there are probably a plethora of gamers wanting to add The Witcher's Geralt of Rivia to Night City. There is always a chance that the devs will add the support post-launch, but for the time being, let's all focus on making sure the game reaches its unknown release date.

Cyberpunk 2077 is currently in development for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. For more information on the futuristic RPG, check out some of our previous coverage.

What do you think about this? Did you expect Cyberpunk 2077 to have mod support from the beginning, or did you assume it might come later? Sound off in the comment section below, or feel free to hit me up over on Twitter @anarkE7!