
Dark Souls 3 Mod Makes Being A Slow Player Fatal

Pretty much everyone is talking about Dark Souls with the remaster coming out officially later […]

Pretty much everyone is talking about Dark Souls with the remaster coming out officially later this week. Understandable; the unforgiving franchise has a certain appeal that even though your butt is getting kicked, you can’t help but to like it a little bit too much. Because of that, we’re here to help you make that Dark Souls 3 journey even more brutal with this “Don’t Stop Moving” mod we found on Nexus.

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Now we already know that Dark Souls 3 keeps on the tradition of harsh gameplay throughout the difficult journey, but this new mod that came out last week wants to take that difficulty to the next level. So how does it work? Simple: Keep moving. “Stop moving, your health depletes rapidly. If you keep moving, your health is untouched by my mod,” boasts the creator and … easier said than done!

The mod itself is extremely straight forward. Creator “Loki” explains it as “When you’re standing still, your health will decrease rapidly, when you’re moving, your health will not decrease. How much health is taken away and how fast is dependent on your Vigor Level. Your Estus is also capped at 5 total.”

Required to play is the Cheat Engine, since it does affect the stats of the game. It’s easy to install, and free, but it is required – just a heads up! The mod creator does also add an addendum to that, given that Fromsoft is pretty adamant about cheating: “This really shouldn’t ban but you never know with Fromsoft, use at your own risk, I am not responsible for you losing your online privileges.”

Other information needed is that the ” mod doesn’t start until your play-time reaches 30,000. This is because of the beginning cutscene, health is loaded and active during this cutscene so my mod would take away health regardless. 30,000 is how long it takes to complete this cutscene, so if you skip it, be prepared for the mod to hang for a bit before your play-time reaches this value. Then the mod will start, and continue working throughout the rest of the playthrough.”

It also caps the player’s Estus at 5, which was previously mentioned.

Dark Souls 3 is available now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. To download the mod yourself, check out the creator’s Nexus page right here.