Destiny 2 Fans Are Angry With Bungie Due to The Witch Queen Pricing Strategy

Bungie has come under fire once again this week due to some future content that it will be adding to Destiny 2 in the coming year. In early 2022, the next major expansion for Destiny 2, entitled The Witch Queen, is set to release. And while this will likely be the biggest new aspect of Destiny 2 over the course of 2022, Bungie has also confirmed that it will be adding new dungeons to the game over the course of the year as well. Unfortunately, not everyone who purchases the base version of The Witch Queen will be given access to these dungeons as they will instead be locked behind a higher paywall. 

Bungie confirmed this week that the two dungeons that are coming to Destiny 2 within 2022 will only be given to those who have purchased the Deluxe Edition of The Witch Queen. "We've seen some debate around the new dungeon content and wanted to clarify how it will be delivered next year. If you get the Digital Deluxe Edition of The Witch Queen you will receive the expansion, all four Seasons for the next year, and the two dungeons," Bungie's community manager Cozmo23 clarified on Reddit in recent days. "If you get the Standard Edition, you can still upgrade to the Deluxe Edition to get the dungeons later. We will also be offering a separate way for you to purchase the dungeons in the future, but they will not be included in the Season passes," he went on to say. Cozmo23's clarification on this matter was immediately met with a negative reaction from the community which downvoted the comment over 2000 times. 

To better explain where the frustration lies for most Destiny 2 players, the base version of The Witch Queen will cost $40. Comparatively, the Deluxe Edition will retail for $80. And while this higher pricepoint is the main source of contention, the main reason that the response from fans has been so loud is because previously, new dungeons were included with the base version of the Forsaken and Shadowkeep expansions. Additionally, the latest dungeon in Destiny 2 was given away completely for free. So essentially, 2022 marks the first time in which Bungie is explicitly asking players to pay more for dungeons in this manner. 

At this point in time, it remains to be seen how Bungie will continue to handle this situation with Destiny 2. While it stands to reason that no major changes will be coming about, perhaps the upgrade option that the studio has mentioned will cost less money than some fans are expecting. Either way, we'll be sure to update you on this story once more information becomes available in the future. 

What do you happen to think about this situation with Destiny 2 and The Witch Queen expansion? Let me know either down in the comments or hit me up on Twitter at @MooreMan12.

[H/T PC Gamer]